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在这连黑夜也目盲的迷宫中。And in this labyrinth where night is blind.

举目所见,到处是七弯八拐的迷宫。Everywhere I looked, a labyrinth meandered.

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所以现在"迷宫书店"就搬进了那家店的旧址Labyrinth has moved in to take their place.

哥伦比亚大学和耶鲁以前都有"迷宫书店"Labyrinth was at Columbia University and Yale.

他在迷宫似的小巷中闲逛。He wandered through the labyrinth of the alleyways.

在迷宫书店和亚马逊网站上都可以买到这本书。This is available at Labyrinth Books also on Amazon.

少掏一分钱,那你还是继续在官僚主义中周旋去吧。A penny less and you're on your own in the labyrinth.

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在漆黑的迷宫中如何定向呢?How was he to find his bearings in that black labyrinth?

如果您喜欢迷宫游戏,这款骷髅王国是为你准备的。If you love Labyrinth games, then Kingdom Skulls is for you.

望前辈们为小弟指点一下迷津!Look at elder people show a labyrinth for little younger brother!

根据传说,他杀死了米诺托在克里特岛迷宫。According to legend, he killed the Minotaur in the Cretan labyrinth.

阿里阿德涅独自一人在岛上,忘记了她在迷宫之战中取得的胜利。Alone, Ariadne forgot her triumph as the untangler of the labyrinth.

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迷宫式密封用于脂润滑和油润滑都有效。Labyrinth seal for grease lubrication and oil lubrication are valid.

我向下走了55阶台阶,就像步入穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲的思维迷宫。I descended 55 steps into the labyrinth of Muammar el-Qaddafi's mind.

代达罗斯是著名的艺术家和发明家,克里特迷宫的建造者。Daedalus was a legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth.

迷宫式磨损环使低温液体二次循环损失减到最小。LABYRINTH WEAR RINGS-Minimize recirculation losses of cryogenic liquids.

层层叠叠的竹片,透出迷幻美妙的光芒。A labyrinth of light beams spearing through the interlaying bamboo chips.

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他们从前的夥伴艾福瑞被关进死亡迷宫。But their onetime companion Alferd has been cast into the deadly Labyrinth.

毕卡索在自己设计的迷宫内是画布上的人身牛头怪。He was the Minotaur in a canvas-and-paper labyrinth of his own construction.

人们还常常有希望在发霉、阴暗、杂乱无章、迷宫般的店堂里。There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms.