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美国鼻烟公司制造的品牌有灰熊和科迪亚克。American Snuff makes the Grizzly and Kodiak brands.

使每一天的科迪亚克凉鞋的冒险。Make every day an adventure with the Kodiak sandal.

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一只太平洋大马哈鱼正在科迪亚克岛的一道小溪中艰难的逆流而上。A Pacific salmon struggles to swim up a stream on Kodiak Island.

这种世界上最大的亚种熊是科迪亚克群岛独一无二的。This subspecies—among the world's largest bears—is unique to the Kodiak archipelago.

阿拉斯加科迪亚克岛的帕萨沙湾一块孤独的暗礁破冰而出。A lone rock outcropping juts through frozen Pasagshak Bay off Alaska's Kodiak Island.

当天开始生效的这一提价,包含了灰熊、科迪亚克岛和骆驼浸烟等产品。The increase, which went into effect yesterday, covers Grizzly, Kodiak and Camel Dip.

科迪亚克熊亦即一种棕熊,是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物。Also known as the brown bear, the Kodiak grizzly bear is the world's largest land carnivore.

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但“科迪亚克熊”装甲车也优中有劣,即火力显得较弱。But "Kodiak Bear" is also superior in armored vehicles have poor, that seems less firepower.

“科迪亚克熊”轮式装甲车是当今加拿大最先进的轻型装甲车。"Kodiak Bear" wheeled armored vehicles in today's Canada's most advanced light armored vehicles.

哈洛沃兹,一个退休者,用70-200毫米的变焦镜头,在阿拉斯加的。Horowitz photographed this brown bear on Alaska's Kodiak Island. The retiree used a 70-200mm zoom lens.

在位于阿拉斯加南部海岸边一座岛屿上的科迪亚克国家野生动物保护区里,一只棕熊正在捕鱼。A brown bear hunts for fish in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge on an island off the southern coast of Alaska.

在科迪亚克岛,几乎每个人都捕鱼,包括在岛上有名的野生动物保护区到处游荡的大棕熊。On Kodiak nearly everyone fishes, including the island's huge brown bears, which roam a renowned wildlife refuge.

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无垠的荒野遍布在阿拉斯加的大地上,柔软的青苔覆满了科迪亚克岛的云杉表面。Untouched wilderness is everywhere in Alaska. Spruce trees on Kodiak Island are almost entirely covered in soft moss.

本周一场北极风暴致使钻机脱离拖船,迫使它在阿拉斯加的科迪亚克岛附近搁浅。An Arctic storm tore a drilling rig loose from its tow ship and forced it aground near Alaska's Kodiak Island this week.

科迪亚克熊是一种特别巨大的棕熊亚种,仅分布于远离阿拉斯加海岸的科迪亚克群岛。Kodiak bears are a particularly large subspecies of brown bear, endemic only to the Kodiak archipelago off the Alaska coast.

科迪亚克群岛是科迪亚克熊的故乡,它是棕熊最大的一个亚种,依靠扑食本地多产的溯游大马哈鱼为生。The Kodiak archipelago is home to the Kodiak bear, the largest subspecies of brown bear, which feasts on the region's prolific salmon runs.

科迪亚克熊嗅觉敏锐但视力较弱,它们站起来高3米,体重780公斤。Having an outstanding sense of smell but poor eyesight, Kodiak Bears can stand up to three meters tall and weigh approximately 780kilograms.

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在这次测试中,这些传感器探测、跟踪和评估了一枚从阿拉斯加Kodiak发射基地发射的远程弹道导弹目标。During the test, the sensors detected, tracked, and assessed a long-range ballistic missile target launched from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska.

科迪亚克熊产自阿拉斯加州附近的科迪亚克岛,在野外生活大约可以活30年,若圈养则可活50年左右。Kodiak bears, native to the Kodiak Archipelago near Alaska, are ominvores that live up to 30 years in the wild. Their lifespan increases to about 50 years in captivity.

天然的又带有泥味的,棕这种暖色调在世上随处可见,想想粗糙的树干,流动的泥流,还有,像上图中的科迪亚克棕熊的浓密的软毛。Natural and earthy, brown's warm tones are familiar in nature—think of rough tree bark, fluid mudflows, and dense animal fur, like that of the Kodiak bear pictured above.