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其中一个不太标准的选项是“致命错误处理器”。One such nonstandard option is a fatal error handler.

我厂可承接非标及特型LED照明产品的加工订做。We may produce nonstandard and special size LED products.

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也可根据用户需要进行非标设计。We can also design nonstandard according to the requirements of user.

结果有十种类型的不规范出院诊断影响了ICD-10编码工作。Results there are 10 kinds of nonstandard that influenced the ICD-10 coding.

编号的枚举会引起不互操作的非标准扩展。Numbered enumerations invite nonstandard extensions that do not interoperate.

本文主要从七个方面对唐代“三书”中的俗字类型进行梳理。This paper sort out and analyze seven types of nonstandard forms of characters.

这对于音频浏览器、手机浏览器和其他非标准浏览器尤其重要。This is especially important for audio, cell-phone, and other nonstandard browsers.

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目的研究不规范出院诊断对ICD-10编码的不同影响。Objective To study the influence of nonstandard discharge diagnosis on ICD-10 coding.

不标准的方言是指未受教育的活着社会上不得势群体所讲的方言。A nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups.

但在中国民族史的研究中,学界对这三个概念的使用却是非常混乱与不规范的。The use of three concept , however, are always in confusion and nonstandard by scholars.

目的探讨不规范的胆肠吻合术的滥用情况及纠正方法。Objective To discuss the abusiveness and rectification of nonstandard cholangiojejunostomy.

作为拷贝保护方法的一部分而写在盘上非标准位置的一条磁道。A track written at a nonstandard position on a disk, as part of a method of copy protection.

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我们可以根据客户的需要生产各种非标轴承。We can manufacture all kinds of nonstandard bearing according to the requirement of clients.

该课题的研究对非标准件的远程设计服务应用有一定的借鉴意义。This thesis will be used for reference to the remote design service on nonstandard components.

当前,中文电子媒体中作为序号的罗马数字使用很不规范。The use of Roman numbers as ordinal numbers in Chinese electronic media is currently nonstandard.

受领迟延的法定责任较弱,因其是一种不真正义务。The legal liability of delay of acceptance is rather weak. Acceptance is a kind of nonstandard duty.

国产非标准淋浴房一般按照平方米单位计算收费。Homebred nonstandard shower room collects fees according to computation of square metre unit commonly.

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提出一种利用非标准的扬声器布置重发双通路立体声的方法。This paper proposes a way to reproduce stereophonic sound by using nonstandard loudspeaker arrangements.

时空的几何遵守非标准与非古典的规则,可是距离的概念还是可以用的。The geometry of spacetime obeys nonstandard and nonclassical rules, but the concept of distance still applies.

本文对标准连接和非标准连接的拖挂式机器人,研究了前向和倒车路径的跟踪控制。The forward-and-backward path-following control is studied for TFMRs with standard and nonstandard connections.