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他适应了户外工作。He was seasoned to outdoor work.

甚至一些有临场经验的演员也失常了。Even the seasoned troupers fall apart.

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经历过如此惊心动魄的事件之后,他变得成熟了。He seasoned after such a soul-stirring incident.

这肉里应该加点盐和芥末调味。This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard.

合同上订明用干透的木料。The contract stipulates for the use of seasoned timber.

兵士们尚未能适应此种酷寒的气候。The soldiers were not yet seasoned to the rigorous climate.

浸入打好的蛋液中,再捞出裹上面包屑。Dip into beaten eggs then dredge with seasoned bread crumbs.

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他游刃有余地参加名流晚宴,宛如政坛老将。He navigates celebrity dinner galas like a seasoned politician.

麦克迪尔现在成了找工作的老手。McDeere was now a seasoned veteran in the search of employment.

让MMORPG的老玩家们不被疏远也是极为重要的事情。It was also critical not to alienate the seasoned MMORPG player.

一个主要的、甚至影响到经验丰富的教师的压力是资金。A primary stressor that affects even seasoned faculty is funding.

我希望你能从经验丰富的经理那寻求些指导。I expect you to seek guidance from some of our seasoned managers.

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多数身经百战的企业高管都经历过职业生涯的起起落落。Most seasoned executives have their share of career ups and downs.

只有优美善良的心地,像焙干的良木永不弯曲。Only a sweet and virtuous soul, like seasoned timber, never gives.

搭配肌肉,红肉,野味,意大利面。With chicken dishes, red meats, game , and mildly seasoned pastas.

对于经常旅游的人来说,文化冲击只是一个短期的问题。For seasoned travelers, culture shock is only a short-term problem.

知识和木材要等到陈化了再多使用。Knowledge and timber shouldn't be much used till they are seasoned.

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碰到这样的情况,即使精通多国语言,也会变得词穷。At times like these, words can fail even the most seasoned polyglot.

我现在看的临床支队的一位经验丰富的旁观者。I am now watching with the clinical detachment of a seasoned voyeur.

这些经验丰富的渔夫大感震惊,而西门心里也十分畏惧。It amazed the seasoned fishermen and struck fear into Simon's heart.