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你是在那学会戴水肺潜水的?。A. Where did you learn to scuba dive ?

你甚至可以学如何浮潜。You could even learn how to scuba dive.

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他是经过严格训练的EMT救护专家并得到了国际潜水认证。He is a trained EMT and scuba certified.

我计划去考取一个佩带水肺潜水的证书。I'm planning to get a scuba diving licence.

我们必须穿上保温潜水服才能进行水肺潜水。We had to put on a wetsuit to go scuba diving.

巴厘岛度蜜月时学会了带水肺潜水。While on honeymoon in Bali, she learned to scuba dive.

这里也有潜水中心,出租潜水镜。There are also diving centers that hire out scuba gear.

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戴着呼吸器的潜水员潜入水底,朝珊瑚礁游了过去。The scuba diver submerged and swarm toward a coral reef.

帛琉以其令人赞叹的浮潜和潜水景点著称。Palau is noteworthy for its amazing and scuba diving sights.

那里的加勒比海域也非常适合进行斯库巴潜水。The Caribbean waters there are also perfect for scuba diving.

我想参加有潜水和瞧光项手法一日游。Yes, I wanna the cruise with scuba diving courses and sightseeing.

如果你的水肺潜泳设备不合标准,就不要使用它。Unless your scuba diving equipment is up to standard, do not use it.

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在这里,我带着呼吸器跳入没有被旅游人群接触过的原始海域。Here, I scuba dived in pristine waters untouched by the tourist crowds.

客人还可以在酒店私人海滩上进行水肺潜水、浮潜或排球等运动。Guests at the Inn on the Blue Horizon can go snorkeling or scuba diving.

我们还没试过水肺潜水,不过我们已经去浮潜很多次了。We haven't tried scuba diving yet, but we have gone snorkeling many times.

你可以打开隐藏着的洞穴,然后寻找宝藏,然后学习潜泳。You can unlock hidden caverns, look for treasure, and learn to scuba dive.

无限蓝在泰国涛岛和菲律宾薄荷岛举行PADI中文潜水课程和教练。Infinite Blue Diving offers PADI scuba diving courses on Koh Tao and Bohol.

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该群岛是旅游胜地,有世界一流的水下呼吸器潜水运动。The islands are a popular tourism destination, with world-class scuba diving.

昨晚我做了个怪梦,梦到我和艾伦在海里玩水肺潜水。Last night I had a bizarre dream. I went scuba diving with Aaron in the ocean.

房间内有录影机、空调、热水,还有潜水训练课程。It offers furnished rooms with VCR, air conditioner, hot water and scuba lessons.