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一只么有带子的手提包。A valise lacking straps.

何况那又是我特别心爱的一只手提箱。Valise I have a particular fancy for.

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何况那又是我特别心爱的一只手提箱,皮制的。Valise I have a particular fancy for.

它是一个茶色的小旅行包。It's a small valise bag. It's light brown.

领这位先生到协和轩去!Gentleman's valise and hot water to Concord.

把先生的箱子、还有热水送去。Gentleman's valise and hot water to Concord.

脚行举起旅行手提箱,把它放到行李槽里。The porter hoisted the valise up on the well.

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他把手提箱打开,又把珂赛特的服装拿出来。He opened the valise and drew from it Cosette's outfit.

我的手提箱里还有前一站用剩的标签和原料。I had the labels and ingredients in my valise , left over from the last town.

在楼顶下面空房间的床上,放着一只破旧的小旅行包。In the bare room under the roof, there was a small, battered valise on his BED.

本厂长期生产各种最新款式的学生包,旅行袋,背包。The factory long range produces various latest style student bag , valise , packsack.

他匆匆东翻西找,在旅行箱里乱摸了一气,终于找到了他要找的东西,就把它放进口袋。He hastened about, rummaging in his valise for what he wanted, and finally pocketing it.

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他把提箱放在自己床边的一张椅子上,钥匙老揣在身上。He set this valise on a chair near his bed, and he always carried the key about his person.

他迅速走向圆桌,从口袋中取出一把钥匙,把小箱子打开。He went to this table with a sort of vivacity, took a key from his pocket, and opened the valise.

我想,还有一只您所珍视的小提箱,我已给它选定了一个体面的角落。I believe that there is a little valise to which you are attached, I have fixed upon a corner of honor for that.