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上海是座蓬勃向上的特大型城市。Shanghai is a thriving and robust megalopolis.

城市群内部城市间的合作对于促进城市群经济发展具有重大意义。Cooperation between cities is significant to promote the economic development of a megalopolis.

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晕死,你堂堂亲王不走正门翻什么墙啊,还在这瞎得瑟。Dizzy dead, you the open prince doesn't hike the megalopolis door rotate over what wall, likewise at this blind get Se.

分别以中外特大城市和大、中、小城市为例,分析了城市格子状分布特征。Taking megalopolis and small, medium, large cities as an example, this paper analyzes the city distribution of lattice.

古代的超级大都市是位于古希腊的阿卡狄亚区域,它被诗人威吉尔引为幸福、园纯朴的典范。The Megalopolis of the ancient world was in Arcadia, a part of Greece cited by Virgil as a model of happy, rural simplicity.

随着人口增加,合肥将从粮食产销平衡区向销区转变,同时对优质米、面、油的质量要求也有所提高。With the construction of Hefei as a regional megalopolis and increase of population, new changes will take place in grain supply.

他只是匆匆回去换了一身衣服,又匆匆地回来准备将我带出湖心。He just in no time returned to change whole body dress, and then at once came behind to arrange to take out my megalopolis of lake.

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甚至在深夜,科洛桑依旧生机勃勃,华光璀璨、川流不息,是一座繁华的不夜城。Even in the depths of night, Coruscant is alive with glittering lights and rivers of traffic, a bustling megalopolis that refuses to sleep.

她那般孑然地站在那里,犹如是无瑕白玉花正中吐出一缕碧绿柔软的花蕊。She that stands over there, as if is a without blemish white the jade flower accurate megalopolis spew a wisp of bloom of verdant softness.

人口、经济、政策等人文因素是区域土地利用变化的主要驱动因素,人为影响程度是区域土地利用空间格局变化的主要驱动力。The factors such as population, economy and policy have played an important role in the process of land use change in this megalopolis area.

重庆,这座以工业和原始资本主义而著称的大都市—又称中国的芝加哥—正倾情的追忆社会主义的往昔岁月。Chongqing, a megalopolis best known for its industrial might and raw capitalism—think the Chicago of China—is fondly recalling its socialist past.

到了日本中部地貌变为群山连绵,最后火车驶过了日本东海岸人口稠密的城市群。As we moved into central Japan the landscape became mountainous before finally, the train sped through the sprawling megalopolis of the east coast.

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在目前贵州城市化及社会经济推进的过程中,应构建以省城贵阳市为中心的黔中城市圈。In the current urbanization process and social and economic progress in Guizhou, a central Guizhou megalopolis should be set up centering on Guiyang.

长三角城市群虽然是中国最大的城市群,但是与世界级城市群相比还有一定差距。Although Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis has become the largest one in China, there is still a certain distance to go before it catches up with Bos-Wash.

建设武汉城市圈,是提升湖北经济实力、实现中部崛起宏伟目标的战略举措。Constructing Wuhan Megalopolis is the strategic measure to promoting Hubei's economic development and realizing the growing up of Central Region of China.

东京,日本的首都,面积极小,却是日本的政治、经济、物流、时尚中心,真正的超大城市。Tokyo, Japan's capital city, makes up an extremely small area, but it's the heart of Japanese politics, economy, distribution and fashion. A true megalopolis.

从城市化发展历程的角度考察,城市圈在整个区域城市体系及城市经济发展中具有极其重要的作用。Viewed from the perspective of the urbanization process, megalopolis plays a critical role in urban system in the whole region and urban economic development.

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整个世界都在以极大的兴趣注视着中国正在发生的巨大变化,尤其是注视着广州这座蓬勃向上的特大型城市所发生的巨大变化。The whole world is watching with great interest the remarkable changes that are taking place in China, particularly in Guangzhou, a thriving and robust megalopolis.

我国是世界经济增长重心第五次大转移的主要增长极,长江三角洲地区将发展成为世界第六个特大城市带。China is the main region of the fifth transfer of the global economic growth center, and the Yangtze Delta will be developing into the sixth megalopolis in the world.

因她的完整性和东海岸大都市发展的重要地位,新泽西州已发展成一个巨大的制造和再加工的基地。Because of its integral and strategic position within the growing Megalopolis of the Eastern Seaboard, New Jersey has developed a huge manufacturing and refining base.