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他不愿屈尊回答我的问题。He did not condescend to answer.

你肯屈尊陪我吗?。Would you condescend to accompany me?

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我并不屈就于它热热闹闹的外表。I don't condescend to boisterous displays of it.

你永远也不应该瞧不起或以屈尊的态度对待同事。You should never condescend or look down on a co-worker.

不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.

她非常骄傲,不肯放下架子同我们说一句话。She is so proud that she will not condescend to speak to us.

如果我们说这是贫穷的现象那是我们屈尊了。We condescend if we speak of it as a phenomenon of the poor.

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令尊大人或可纡尊降贵帮助刷锅洗碗吧!Perhaps your father would condescend to help with the washing-up!

这种下贱的差使,根本用不着劳“黑暗之王”的大驾。The Prince of Darkness does not condescend to such cheap drudgery.

像你这样的人才,屈就于农奴的身份,实在是太不敬了。People like you, to condescend to serf , is so disrespectful of the.

我但愿他不要假惺惺的纡尊降贵接近部门的低级员工。I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department.

避免与控制欲强、欺骗别人、欺凌弱小或自甘堕落的人交谈avoid conversing with people who manipulate, deceive, bully or condescend

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他们应该改变这种坏习惯,放下身段,与众同乐。They should change this bad habit and condescend to be pleased what is pleasing.

嘉莉温柔地微微一笑,很感激他屈尊赐教,给她提供那么多忠告。Carrie smiled genially , grateful that he should condescend to advise her even so much.

这么优美,这么艳丽的人儿竟然堕落下去,把自身的精力浪费在这样的事情上!The person such grace and such beauty should have condescend to waste itself on such a pursuit.

万斯太太的关心和热情,有点使她觉得自己是屈就的一方了。Something in the other's solicitude and interest made her feel as if she were the one to condescend.

我们这些没有在爱中说诚实话的牧师,反而降低标准来安抚人,为何这麽瞻徇情面?We pastors who condescend to placate men, rather than speak the truth to them in love, why are we so sparing?

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幸运每个月都会降临,但是如果你没有准备去迎接它,就可能失之交臂。Lucky every months will condescend to come, but if you didn't fix to go to greet it, may lose it hand over arm.

不怕死,但是真的死亡即将降临时,某种恐惧还是侵袭而来。Isn't afraid to die, but while the true death will presently condescend to come a decisive alarm still buffet since then.

法律所考虑的是多数案件,亦即典型的和一般的情形,但法律对特殊的情况却无法加以说明。The law takes into consideration the majority of cases, the typical and average situation, but it cannot condescend upon particulars.