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想家的病只能煮粥来安抚!Drt scallop congee for home sick!

虾,雪蟹,带壳扇贝,蛤蜊。Shrimp, snow crab, and scallop in shell, clam.

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水煮河虾,水煮蟹爪,扇贝和蛤哩。Poached River Shrimp, Poached Crab Claw, Sea Scallop and Clam.

瑶柱洗净,用清水浸2小时后撕碎。Wash scallop and soak in water for 2 hours . Tear into shreds.

我们的蔬菜有蚝油菜心、干杯芥菜。Season Vegetables in Oyster Sauce, Mustard Greens with Scallop.

相反的,圆顶的负荷由一个扇形结构转移到更多的圆顶上。Instead, the dome transfers out in a scallop shape to more domes.

的另一种效应就是把环的边缘弄得像扇形皱褶。Yet another effect of repulsive gravity is to scallop ring edges.

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将火腿包在扇贝上,并放回扇贝壳中待用。Wrap the ham around the scallop. Put the scallop back onto the shell.

将火腿包在扇贝上,并放回扇贝壳中待用。Wrap the ham around the scallop . Put the scallop back onto the shell.

新西兰深海螯虾清汤,黑菌和扇贝饺子,番茄。New Zealand deep sea Scampi consommé, truffle and scallop ravioli, tomato.

新西兰深海螯虾清汤,黑菌和扇贝饺子,番茄。New Zealand deep sea Scampi consommé, truffle and scallop ravioli , tomato.

我们可以吃到许多令人爽口的海鲜做成的菜,比如说龙虾和扇贝。We can get a lot of delectable seafood dishes, such as lob-ster and scallop.

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腌太平洋扇贝,巴黎式蘑菇,松露黄油汁。Gratinated Pacific scallop carpaccio, Parisian mushroom, truffle butter sauce.

扇贝的物种鉴定,通常主要是依据形态学标准来进行。Species identification for scallop is mostly based on morphological characters.

在虾夷扇贝苗种生产中,改进了亲贝升温促熟、产卵、孵化、幼虫培育等技术措施。This paper deals with the high yield technique for Ezo scallop seedling culture.

在密克罗尼西亚的雅浦岛附近,一只色彩斑斓的扇贝正张大了嘴端坐在礁石上面。A multi-colored scallop sits open-mouthed on a reef off the Yap Islands in Micronesia.

以快速脂肪提取法代替索氏法提取甲鱼脂肪。Scallop fat was extracted by means of rapid fat extractor instead of Soxhlet extractor.

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出售虾仁弯梳饺的仙人居餐馆,天下独此一家。Cave Restaurant is the only place under the sun that sells shrimp and scallop dumplings.

因此,采用适当的科学方法,扇贝制品的安全水分含量是可以提高的。So it' s possible to increase the safe moisture of scallop product by some scientific ways.

本发明用于扇贝裙边休闲食品加工。The processing method of the invention is used for processing the scallop skirt leisure food.