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你这个小淘气滚开。You little rascal eff off.

EFF是这方面一个好资源。The EFF is a great resource for this.

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杰克常会整天争论不休骂骂咧咧。Jack would argue and eff all day long.

卡塔尔航空公司官员预计公司2012年将开始使用EFF。Qatar Airways officials expect the carrier to begin using the EFF in 2012.

现在有了EFF他不用担心费用问题了。Luckily for him, the EFF is now involved, so he will not have to worry with the legal fees.

回交法对提高亚麻出麻率和纤维产量上效果显著。Backcross makes a notable impact eff ection on improving fibre yield and long fibre content.

但这些条款很难解释,所以辛迪和电子前沿基金会发布了一个对照表。The policies can be hard to interpret, so Cohn and the EFF created a side-by-side comparison.

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目的比较文拉法新与氯丙咪嗪治疗抑郁症的疗效及副反应。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and side eff ects of Venlafaxine and Chlorimipramine on depression.

电子前哨基金会被发现证书签发的无意义词汇加入到虚构的顶级域名如。纽约,或。The EFF found that certificates were being issued for nonsense words joined to made-up TLDs like . nyc, or . public.

EFF软件运行在EFB中,可以直接按照飞行员的简要路线指示飞行并记录飞行轨迹。EFF software runs on an aircraft’s EFB, directly on which pilots can now conduct route briefing and log flight progress.

很多人已经用RSS订阅源来查看大公司服务条款的变化情况,但EFF的方案似乎更为合理。Many of us already track TOS changes for major companies by using modified RSS feeds, but this EFF solution seems like a more reasonable option.

电子自由基金会的发言人说,“我完全不知道还会有一个公司如此反对在他的新产品发行前做新闻报道。”An EFF spokesman has said, 'I am not aware of another technology company that is so strongly opposed to pre-release news coverage of its products.'

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最小有效长度的确定对制备部分填充泡沫铝的轻质夹芯结构有着重要的指导意义,有利于结构轻量化设计。The effective foam length Lf , eff offers significant reduction of the foam weight and should be used as a guideline for designing the ultralight foam-filled tubes.

EFF应用套件的设计旨在帮助航空公司提高地面报告效率,并减少或消除印刷、处理和存储成本。The EFF suite of applications is designed to help the airline achieve ground report efficiencies and reduce or eliminate paper printing, handling, and storage costs.

虽然EFF也谴责了双方的攻击,但是采用此战术的上千案例表明这是一种有效的抗议途径,即使法律上站不住脚。Although the EFF has condemned the attacks on both sides, the 1000s that have resorted to such tactics reveal it as an effective, if legally dubious, outlet for protest.

挑战专利,对那些确定的非法专利电子新领域基金会将会向美国专利商标局提出重新审查的请求。Once it has identified some of the worst offenders, EFF will begin filing challenges to each in the form of a "re-examination request" to the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office.

美国人和这个国家都不知不觉滑入到充斥着谎言和各种各样邪恶的地狱之中。Americans and the nation are unwittingly slipping into hell where lies and all other foms of evil dwell. The works of organizations such as EFF and those attempting to indict George W. Bush and co.

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在今天的“法庭之友”简报中,EFF对这个团体进行了支持,要求法官把那些要求成年人在数字时代进行自由表达而需做信息保留的法令作为一个违宪的东西抛弃掉。In its amicus brief in support of the coalition filed today, EFF asked the judge to throw out the record-keeping regulations as an unconstitutional chill on adult free expression in the digital age.