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我饿得前胸贴后背了。I'm super hungry.

他们可是超级顺风耳哦!They are super ears.

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你是个超级大傻蛋。You are super stupid.

我是思想上的超人。I am idealistically super.

所以我要穿上超级衬衣。So I put on the super shirt.

程超群喝醉了坐在雨里。Super drunk sat in the rain.

超级狗狗是黑白色的。Super dog is white and black.

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什麽是超负电离子?。What are super negative ions?

超级骇客准备连接。Super Hacker ready for linkup.

他说,“他们办事效率都倍儿高!”They are just super efficient!

我们的动作真是太慢了。Weare slow indeed- super bagal.

什么是你的超能力?What would your super power be?

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番石榴是一种热带水果,营养异常丰富,和任何其他健康果蔬相比都毫不逊色。Guava is a tropical super fruit.

我送了她一只咸蛋超人公仔给她。I give her a egg super man doll.

Kyl是超级委员会的成员.Kyl is a super committee member.

这个图表很容易就能画出来。The chart is super easy to draw.

他们是超级狗狗和超级女生。They are superdog and super girl.

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太帅了!那真是漂亮的一球。Way to go! That was a super shot.

天啊!你的卧室超干净的。Geez! Your bedroom is super clean.

他将他们塑造成一支非凡的队伍。He moulded them into a super team.