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目的探索维思通的起效过程。ObjectiveTo explore risperidone effectual procedure.

实践表明,该监督控制系统是行之有效的。The practice has shown that the system is effectual.

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他说,我们只看,事务的有力事实面。We will only look, he says, to the effectual truth of things.

义人祈祷所发出的力量,是大有功效的。The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

实践表明,该监督控制系统是行之有效的。The practice has shown that the monitoring system is effectual.

实验表明,建立的精确衰减模型是正确和有效的。With experimentations, the models are exactitude and effectual.

内循环,保温效果好,更节能。Circulate inside, it is effectual to keep warm, energy-conservation.

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实例计算结果表明上述方法是行之有效的。The illustratively calculated results show that this model is effectual.

结论氯氮平的起效过程呈指数曲线规律。Conclusion Clozapine effectual procedure shows a rule of exponential curve.

当然,体罚和管束在施行的当时还是有效的。Physical compulsion or restraint was effectual , of course, while it lasted.

结论维思通的起效过程呈指数曲线规律。ConclusionRisperidone effectual procedure showed a rule of exponential curve.

除了继续杀害保王党人,似乎没有别的更有效的回击。To which there seemed no more effectual reply than to go on killing royalists.

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扫频源比对实验证明该方法是有效的。Swept-sine method comparison experiments verified that the method is effectual.

因为有功效的门,为我开了,并且反对的人也多。For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.

事务的有力事实面,而非妄想或乌托邦。The effectual truth of the matter, not the imagination of it or the utopia of it.

在诸多的管理方法中,最重要最有效的方法就是缺口管理法。Among all kinds of methods, the most important and effectual one is gapmanagement.

选择有机食品对个人和全球的健康均有效。Opting for organic foods is an effectual choice for personal and planetary health.

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研究表明该方法是行之有效的,值得进一步研究探索。Research indicates that this method is quite effectual and worth studying further.

结果通过有针对性的政策干预,降低上呼吸道感染发病率。Results Through effectual intervention by policy, cutting down attack rate of URTI.

招投标制度是国际通用的的工程承发包模式。The bid system is a kind of international and effectual pattern to select contractor.