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我还是想和芳达女士谈。I'd prefer to speak with Ms. Fonda.

听说女配角是由简·方达担当。They say the IT is played by Jane Fonda.

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听说女主角是由简·方达担任。They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda.

没错。他们说是简?芳达主演的。You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jan Fonda.

方达,作为前利大于弊,是令人难忘的角色,他的生活。Fonda , as ex-con, is unforgettable in role of his life.

这能够取得跟简方达和罗宾威廉姆斯出访越南北部一样的效果吗?Will this have the same effect as Jane Fonda and Robin Williams' trip to north vietnam?

女演员简方达发现她在一次例行检查几个星期前乳腺癌。Actress Jane Fonda discovered she had breast cancer during a routine checkup a few weeks ago.

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沈阳方大泵业有限公司,原名为“南阳防爆集团泵业有限公司”。Fonda Pump Co. , Ltd. , formally known as "Nanyang Explosion-Protection Group Pump Co. , Ltd."

肯.芬达说在她坐的看台上,她也看到飞机向她横冲直撞过来Kim Fonda said she also saw the plane disrespect toward where she was seated in the grandstand.

对于李安来说多么伟大的一个时刻啊,但是由简方达那个蠢蛋颁发给他,这一切就被毁了啊。What a great moment for Ang Lee, but certainly tarnished by having that douche Jane Fonda present it to him.

据纽约日报消息,方达将继续留在亚特兰大,也就是特纳夫妇的家所在的城市,以便离她的女儿凡尼萨和长孙近一些。According to the New York Daily News, Fonda will remain in Atlanta, where the Turners have made their home, to be near her daughter Vanessa and her first grandchild.