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你在这里作什么呢。What hast thou here?

您的业余爱好是什么?Was hast du für Hobbys?

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你在北京有朋友吗?Hast Du Freunde in Peking?

汝为何将我遗弃?Why hast thou forsaken me?

你在北京有朋友吗?。B Hast Du Freunde in Peking?

良好的常春藤,祢什么鸟吗?Good ivy, what birds hast thou?

你已经做完了法尘的苦工。Thou thy wordly task hast done.

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马的大力是你所赐的吗。Hast thou given the horse strength?

你已经见过她了,——是啊,我知道的!Thou hast seen her- yes, I know it!

你已经在字帖上教过我了。Thou hast taught me in the hornbook.

这一切给了我们很大教育。All this hast aught us a great de al.

哈斯特你忘了我新的喜悦?Hast thou forgot me in a new delight?

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你中文是在美国学的?Hast Du in den USA Chinesisch gelernt?

你们却说,你在何事上爱我们呢。Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us?

你始终不肖泄露你的奸夫。Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour.

莫想佢俚,汝也有自简嗰音乐。Think not of them, thou hast thy music too.

你奉召进殿堂使命可鉴。Thou hast thy calling to some palace floor.

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欢乐吧,我的大不列颠,你有一个人向世人展现。Triumph, my Britain, thou hast one to show.

你什么时候象现在这样懒洋洋过?When hast thou been so sluggish before now?

你被古蛇害够了吗?Hast thou not had enough of the old serpent?