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这个法院对国内案件有裁判权。This court has jurisdictional right over domestic cases.

治理具有程序和企业级的管辖边界。Governance has jurisdictional boundaries with programs as well as at the enterprise level.

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本文对我国刑事诉讼中设立管辖权异议制度的可行性作了探讨。The article explores the feasibility of establishing jurisdictional dispute in criminal procedure.

管辖权异议审查和复议期间,不停止执行。Pending examination or reconsideration of a jurisdictional challenge, the enforcement shall continue.

司法公正作为法治和德治的纽带,促使两者之间形成相互作用、互为助益的作用链条。As a link of the rule of law with the rule of virtue, the jurisdictional justice can make them interact.

环保审批程序效率低下,人浮于事、机构重叠和管辖权混乱等问题严重。Environmental permitting is inefficient, rife with redundancy, agency overlap, and jurisdictional issues.

第三章着重论述了跨境破产管辖权冲突的解决途径。Chapter 3 emphasizes discussion of the solution to the jurisdictional conflicts in cross-border insolvency.

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黄律师则表示,他与百度深圳分公司签订的合同中未提及管辖权。Yellow lawyer expresses, did not allude in the contract that he and Baidu Shenzhen branch sign jurisdictional.

领导人害怕真正的决策,他们不情愿花费大把的金钱来打破管辖规则或引发诉讼。Leaders were afraid to actually lead, reluctant to cost businesses money, break jurisdictional rules or spawn lawsuits.

上个月,美国联邦上诉法院已暗示对于此案件并没有管辖权。Last month, american confederative Court of Cassation already expressed to be done not have to this case jurisdictional.

另一个司法权的条件是争议中的当事人有著书面的同意将争议移交ICSID来处理。Another jurisdictional requirement is that the parties to the dispute have consented in writing to submit the dispute to ICSID.

因为这个法案规定了严厉的联邦斯司法管辖权要求,大部分有关马格纳森-莫斯的诉讼都在州法院提起。Because of the stringent federal jurisdictional requirements under the Act, most Magnuson-Moss lawsuits are brought in state court.

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目前,福田区人民法院对百度管辖权异议是否成立还没有作出裁定。Current, court of people of blessing cropland division is jurisdictional to Baidu demur is to deny hold water to had not made a ruling.

由于管辖权方面的问题,这一事项将会归入公共汽车能源法案中,而不会归入新的农业法案中。This issue could become part of the emerging omnibus energy bill rather than part of the new farm bill, due largely to jurisdictional problems.

流域跨界水污染问题是制约流域各行政区间和谐发展的重要因素。Trans-boundary water pollution disputes in river basins are a key constraint for harmonious development among the relevant jurisdictional areas.

同时,我国非判例的法律传统又使司法实践上的个案突破无法固定。Also, legal tradition of non-case in our country cause it difficult to make individual breakthrough in jurisdictional practices become part of law.

禁诉令是中国香港法院用于解决它与内地法院民商事管辖权积极冲突的方法。The anti-suit injunction is used by Hong Kong courts to solve the Civil and Commercial Jurisdictional Positive Conflicts between Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong.

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起初,2008年底,福田区法院作出民事裁定,认定百度公司提出的管辖权异议不成立。At first, by 2008, court of blessing cropland district makes civil ruling, the jurisdictional objection that cognizance Baidu company raises does not hold water.

第四章是关于中国跨境破产管辖权的立法及司法实践和完善建议。Chapter 4 is about the domestic legislative and judicial situation dealing with jurisdictional conflicts in cross-border insolvency and some legislative suggestions.

但百度对该案的管辖权提出了异议,指出在其公示的格式合同已约定发生案件由北京法院管辖。But Baidu is right of this case jurisdictional raised objection, point out in its fair shown pattern contract already agreed produce a case by Beijing court administer.