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设计了一个用于远距离监视电视的折反射式步进变焦距透镜。A catadioptric step zoom lens for remote supervision TV is designed.

本文将以具体产品为例。分析光学常数对折射物镜的影响。The influence of optical constants on catadioptric objective is analysed by taking an product for example.

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文中提出一种基于一维标定物的反射折射摄像机标定算法。In this paper, the authors propose a catadioptric camera calibration method using 1D objects with five or more known points.

实践证明,这是确定这类光学系统最佳像面的一个方便、可靠的方法。Practice proved that this is a easy and reliable way to decide the optimal infrared image surface position of the catadioptric systems.

利用空间直线的中心折反射投影的特性对全维视觉系统的标定方法进行了研究。This paper introduces the study on omni- directional vision system calibration method using central catadioptric projection property of space line.

该文介绍用于机器人足球中型组比赛的全景视觉系统设计与仿真。该系统由一个普通摄像机和一个全向镜组成,能够拍摄到周围360度的全景图像。This paper introduces the design and simulation of a catadioptric vision system for the middle-size league of RoboCup-The World Cup of Soccer Robots.

讨论光圈的分配与给定,并以折反射光学系统为例进行分析和计算。The distribution and determination of the diaphragms are discussed and a catadioptric optical system is taken for example for analysis and calculation.

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针对远距离的目标检测与跟踪,采用折反射成像方式,设计了一种高分辨力全向视觉系统。To implement target detection and tracking in long distance, a kind of high resolution omni-directional vision system is designed by catadioptric imaging.

本文根据双曲面折反射全景视觉系统成像特点,提出了一种基于前向映射的全方位图像解算的改进算法。An improved unwrapping processing method is brought forward based on forward mapping and the imaging feature of hyperboloidal catadioptric panoramic vision system.

提出一种折反射全向图像与遥感图像配准的建筑物高度提取算法,可应用于大范围三维城市重建。A method was proposed for estimating building heights via registering catadioptric omni-directional image and remote sensing image, which can be applied to large-scale 3D city reconstruction.

最后利用配准结果,依据折反射全向图成像模型计算建筑物高度。Finally, according to the model of catadioptric omnidirectional camera, the building heights were estimated by using the registration results. The proposed method is simple and easy to implement.