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下消化道出血则可行肠系膜上动脉造影。The superior mesenteric arteriogram is a better method for diagnosing bleeding of low digestive tract.

动脉造影是一种动脉的“路线图”,主要用于对四肢动脉阻塞部位进行精确定位。An arteriogram is a "road map" of the arteries used to pinpoint the exact location of the blockage in a limb.

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直接为血管斑块造影,例如颈血管内壁厚度检查、冠心动脉电脑扫描,是准确得多的血管检查方法。Direct imaging at plaque such as IMT or CT coronary arteriogram is much more accurate measures for this purpose.

其中17例行小肠钡餐造影,12例行肠系膜上动脉造影。Among them, 17 cases underwent small intestinal barium meal examination and 12 cases underwent superior mesenteric arteriogram.

选择性的左肝动脉血管摄影显示有活跃性的出血点。Selective left hepatic arteriogram revealed an active bleeding point and transarterial embolization was then performed using gel-foam cubes.

如果肢体血流灌注良好但是两边脉搏搏动是不对称的或者ABI、US检查不正常,那就需要请血管外科医生会诊,同时行动脉造影检查。If the limb is still well perfused but the pulses are asymmetric or ABI is abnormal or US is abnormal then consult vascular surgery and obtain arteriogram.

罕见肝肿瘤能在术前明确诊断者甚少,腹部X线平片、血清AFP、肝超声检查、同位素扫描、肝血管造影与CT等检查结果的综合判断,可能有助于对肿瘤性质的诊断。Combined diagnosis by abdominal X-Ray, serum AFP assay , liver ultrasound and isotope scan, arteriogram and CT may be helpful in the identification of the tumor nature.

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表现为小肠管腔狭窄或不规则狭窄,充盈缺损。8例血管瘤小肠血管瘤显示供血动脉及分支增粗,血池,回流静脉增粗。The supply artery and it's branches enlargement, blood pool and regurgitant vein enlargement were showed in 8 cases with hemangioma of small intestine by superior mesenteric arteriogram.

由于其非侵袭性的特质及无幅射线暴露之优点,核磁共振影像及核磁共振血管摄影已被用来取代传统动脉摄影。MR imaging and MR angiography have been used to replace conventional arteriogram for diagnosis and follow-up after treatment due to their non-invasive nature and absence of radiation exposure.

而且大部分病例中,其发生的机转与冠状动脉痉挛有关,包括安非他命滥用者,其冠状动脉摄影通常都是正常。The underlying mechanism in the majority of such patients has been related to coronary spasm, including in those with amphetamine abuse, in whom the coronary arteriogram was always found normal.