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迷茫,安提戈涅的行动去她的房间。Dazed, Antigone moves to go her room.

安提戈涅坚持认为,他不能救她。Antigone insists that he cannot save her.

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安提戈涅发送护士离开咖啡。Antigone sends the Nurse away for coffee.

安提戈涅挑战他的奴役幸福。Antigone challenges his servile happiness.

国王对安提冈尼的行动。King likens himself to Antigone at one point.

安提戈涅显示,她已经这样做了。Antigone reveals that she has already done so.

戏剧结局似乎认可安蒂冈妮的作法。The play ends by seeming to validate Antigone.

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安提戈涅拒绝与出价伊斯美妮回去睡觉。Antigone refuses and bids Ismene to go back to bed.

你将所有已如此高兴除安提戈涅。You would all have been so happy except for Antigone.

安提戈涅的答复,她只会去再次今晚。Antigone replies that she will only go out again tonight.

安提戈涅是女孩谁将奋起独自夭折。Antigone is the girl who will rise up alone and die young.

伊斯美妮突然进入,还要求在安提戈涅已。Suddenly Ismene enters, also asking where Antigone has been.

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安提戈涅中断他指出,她将很快死去。Antigone interrupts him, pointing out that she is soon to die.

安提戈涅拒绝她,但她不应该与她的死亡。Antigone rejects her, but she does not deserve to die with her.

在你看来谁是主角?国王或是安提冈尼?Which in your view is the stronger character, King or Antigone ?

安提戈涅偷偷在和护士出现,并询问她一直。Antigone sneaks in and the Nurse appears and asks where she has been.

窦娥是一位可敬的女儿。窦娥和安提哥涅是可敬的妇女。Dou'e is an honorable daughter. Dou'e and Antigone are honorable women.

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安提戈涅呼吁Creon有她的逮捕,警告他,她的病正在迎头赶上。Antigone calls on Creon to have her arrested, warning him that her disease is catching.

专家评论国王和安提冈尼的行动比较。Compare the authorities appealed to by King and by Antigone in justification of their actions.

克瑞翁希腊神话中伊俄卡斯特的兄弟,安提戈涅的舅父,在俄狄浦斯死后成为底比斯王。The brother of Iocasta and uncle of Antigone who became the king of Thebes after the fall of Oedipus.