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胺碘酮也是药物通用名,是美国惠氏药厂生产的可达龙的一种成分。Amiodarone is an ingredient in Wyeth's Cordarone and is also sold generically.

包含所有主要对象,但必须对其进行保护,并以通用的方式对其进行表示。Contain all the key objects that must be secured and represent them generically.

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那些所谓的批评者,被提到时总是泛泛而谈,从来不指名道姓。The so-called critics are only generically mentioned, but not individually mentioned.

然而,我将采取一种更好的方法,并试图用更一般化的方式进行公开。However, I will take a little more ambitious route and try to expose this generically.

他说他们已经展开了药物的大规模生产,如最常见的奥司他韦。Roche said it was ramping up production of the drug, known generically as oseltamivir.

当他们尝试着格列卫,通常被称依马替尼,它很少对细胞有作用。When they tried Gleevec, known generically as imatinib, it had little effect on the cells.

这可能会使标识对象和类结构变得很困难。This makes generically identifying object and class structures difficult, if not impossible.

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而且,即使采用泛型方式实现的服务也可以提供强类型接口定义。And even a generically implemented service can provide a strongly typed interface definition.

这些药物一般属于异维甲酸类,怀孕期间使用能够导致难产。The drug, sold generically as isotretinoin, can cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy.

二甲双胍是一类有效的降糖药,勃列斯多-迈耶施贵宝药厂生产的商品名为格华止。Metformin is available generically but also known by the Bristol-Myers Squibb brand name Glucophage.

在这个场景中,我将简要介绍如何从一个系统向另一个系统发起攻击。In this scenario, I look generically at how you could launch an attack from one system against another.

如果您更改了方法,以通过方法参数传递输入值,那么该方法就可以得到通用的应用了。If you change the method to pass input values via the method arguments, the method can be used generically.

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出售的Accutane,也叫做异维甲酸,与报道的使用者抑郁和自杀行为有关。Accutane, also sold generically as isotretinoin, has been linked to reports of depression and suicidal behavior among users.

如前所述,每个查询表达式都是泛型的,以表示表达式计算的值的类型。As I mentioned earlier, every query expression is generically typed to denote the type of the value the expression evaluates to.

然而,即使你使用了更特定的标记法,仍然免不了需要泛化地指定小个片段的行为。However, even if you use more specific notations, there might still be a need to specify small snippets of behavior generically.

一些常用药包括非专利药二甲双胍,它是百时美施贵宝公司的产品,商品名叫格华止。Some common medications include metformin, which is available generically and also known by the Bristol-Myers Squibb brand name Glucophage.

由于价格低廉、整体有效地化疗药物统治了AML市场,过去30年中AML的治疗基本没有变化。Treatment of AML has changed very little in the past 30 years, with less expensive, generically available chemotherapies dominating the market.

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药品制造商补充说,EMS杂质在药物生产过程中产生,通常认为是甲磺酸奈非那韦。The drugmaker added that the EMS impurities were caused by the manufacturing process of the drug, which is known generically as nelfinavir mesylate.

通用名为替诺福韦,每天服用一片就可以来治疗乙肝,而它是通过阻止病毒在肝细胞内复制所需要的酶来起作用。Viread, known generically as tenofovir, is a once-daily tablet that works by blocking an enzyme necessary for the virus to replicate in liver cells.

情况大体如此,并非所有人理解新艺术,这就意味着其创作冲动不具备大众普遍特征。If the new art is not accessible to everyone, which certainly seems to be the case, this implies that its impulses are not of a generically human kind.