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苏霍伊苏-35是一种单座、双引擎的多用途超级战斗机。The Sukhoi Su-35 is a single-seat, twin-engined supermaneuverability multirole fighter.

再没有比进入其驾驶舱更能够直白地描述这种多用途作战飞机的先进了。Nowhere are the advances in this multirole combat fighter more starkly illustrated than in the cockpit.

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J-10B是通过对J-10多用途战斗机的机身和航空电子设备进行改良而来的。The J-10B is a modified variant of the J-10 multirole fighter aircraft, with modifications in airframe and avionics.

印度空军将会布署其苏-30多用途战机于该岛,同时增加其作战空域的战机数量。The Indian Air Force will place multirole Su-30MKI fighter jets on the islands and increase the number of operational airfields.

而上述方案都没有被采纳,并且该公司称解放军空军对期望获得多用途J-11并没有表露太多兴趣。None of these options have yet been taken up and the company says little interest has been expressed the acquiring a multirole J-11.

幻影2000″战机由法国研制,是一种多功能轻型战斗机,具有突出的高空、高速拦截能力。Mirage 2000, also developed by France, is a multirole lightweight fighter. Its main capabilities include interception and air superiority.

Ilyushin的出价低于EADS,但空军青睐购买一直在使用的A330多用途加油机多过于IL-78。Ilyushin's bid was lower than that of EADS but the Air Force favored buying the A330 multirole tanker over the IL-78 of Ilyushin, which it had been using.

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苏霍伊苏-35是一种单座、双引擎的多用途超级战斗机。苏-35出口到许多国家,包括印度、巴西、韩国。The Sukhoi Su-35 is a single-seat, twin-engined supermaneuverability multirole fighter. The Su-35 had been offered to many countries, including India, Brazil and South Korea.

法国正帮助印度构建Astra空对空超视距导弹系统,与此同时法国达索公司也正在竞争印度100亿美元的126中型多用途作战飞机购买合同。France is helping India build the Astra air-to-air beyond-visual-range missile, while Dassault is vying for India’s $10 billion purchase of 126 medium multirole combat aircraft.

PLANAF正在获得的歼-11BH战斗机与歼-8相比是一款战斗潜力更为强大的新式平台,无论是多功能性还是机动性方面都是如此。In the J-11BH the PLANAF is acquiring a new platform with significantly greater combat potential than the J-8, which it surpasses in multirole capability and raw manoeuvring power.

与此同时,EADS公司的欧洲战斗机也在竞争印度100亿美元的合同,该合同内容为印度打算购买126架中型多用途战斗机,EADS公司已经为其提供了推力矢量技术。Meanwhile, EADS, whose Eurofighter aircraft is also competing for India's $10 billion program to purchase 126 Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft, has offered thrust-vectoring technology.

目前,MDS已经获得了工业许可证,能够生产多用途轻型装甲车辆,武器模拟器,移动监控平台,水雷,小型武器,以及其他装甲车辆。MDS has been granted an industrial license to produce light armored multirole vehicle, simulators for weapons, mobile surveillance platforms, sea mines, small arms, and up-armored vehicles.

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然而,随着冷战的结束和需求的转化,发展计划变成了具有超视距空对空格斗和对地攻击能力的多任务战斗机。However, the end of the Cold War and the changing requirements shifted the development towards a multirole fighter with both ‘beyond-visual-range’ air-to-air combat and surface attack capabilities.