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肯定是老态龙钟了。Must be in his dotage.

墨林深深地爱上那少女。Merlin fell in a dotage on the damsel.

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再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个虐待狂了。His dotage simply made him more sadistic.

再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个狂了。His dotage simply do he abundance sadistic.

有时候孩子们跟我说话的样子就像我是个老糊涂似的!Sometimes the kids talk to me as if I'm in my dotage !

与此同时,胜利者则沉浸于长期的掌权之中。The victors, meanwhile, hung on to power long into their dotage.

从那以后,他认为他的盲是上帝的特别溺爱。From then on , he regarded his blindness as God's special dotage.

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这是可怕的,看看手中的精益溺爱使围堰严重。It is awful to see the lean hands of dotage making a coffer of the grave.

萨拉搬回来与父亲同住,好在他年老时照顾他。Sarah moved back in with her father so that she could look after him in his dotage.

萨拉搬回来与父亲同住,好在他年老时照顾他。Sarah moved back in with her father so that she could look after him in his dotage.

而这种担心也表明投资者希望知道这三家公司是否能够在他们的大客户受难的时候依旧保持稳定发展。But it is also a symptom of mild paranoia about whether these firms can in their dotage still deliver perky growth.

这玩意就像那些高科技在007退休以后又被改装到房车上一样。It’s like something James Bond’s gadget guy might have come up with after he retired from the spy trade and took up RVing in his dotage.

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当你老了,你会问谁将照顾你的晚年,以及为什么别人儿孙绕膝,而你,没有。And when you are old, you will wonder who is going to take care of you in your dotage and why you didn't have children and grandchildren to be with.

在过去的数十年里,败下阵来的政治对手往往逃不过开除党籍、监禁或执行死刑的命运,而胜利的一方长期占据权力的高位直至终老。In decades past, vanquished political foes tended to end up purged, imprisoned or dead. The victors, meanwhile, hung on to power long into their dotage.