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死去的婴儿都是酸。Dead ones are acid.

酸腐蚀金属。Acid eats into metal.

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有些食品变酸了。Some food turns acid.


酸腐蚀金属物。Acid bites into metals.

这种酸性物质对金属发生作用。This acid acts on metal.

柠檬是一种酸味水果。A lemon is an acid fruit.

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酸腐蚀金属。The acid gnaws the metal.

腐植酸全部采用黄腐酸。The use of humic acid FA.

我的上衣被酸性的东西腐蚀了个洞。Acid ate holes in my suit.

柠檬有“酸味”。Lemons have an acid taste.

而细菌利用它产酸。The bacteria produce acid.

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酸使金属腐蚀。Acid causes metal to corrode.

并且它含有玻尿酸。Also, it has hyaluronic acid.

而且它含有丰富的苹果酸。And it is rich in malic acid.

有些食品变酸了。Some of the food change acid.

乙酸甲基戊酯。Acetic acid methyl amyl ester.

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酸会把油地毡蚀穿。Acid ate through the linoleum.

酸在金属上如何起反应?。How does acid react on metals?

它以前叫石碳酸。It was known as carbolic acid.