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远端主机使用一个ICMP时间戮记回复讯息以反应请求。The remote host uses an ICMP timestamp reply message to respond to the request.

最后对实现过程中遇到的IP分片、ICMP和PMTU问题提出了一套有效的解决方案。At last, effective solutions for difficulties on IP fragment, ICMP and PMTU are provided.

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接收时间戮记是目的地主机接收到ICMP时间戮记请求的时间。The receive timestamp is the time that the destination host receives the ICMP timestamp request.

可以产生一个ICMP讯息且发送回到来源机器,并且此不可到达的封包被丢弃。An ICMP message may be generated and sent back to the source machine, and the undeliverable packet is dropped.

如果没有就可以初步判断主机没有在线或者使用了某些过滤设备过滤了ICMP的REPLY。If no preliminary judgment on the mainframe are not online or use of certain filtration equipment filtering ICMP inefficiency Y.

介绍ICMP报文的封装情况以及以太网帧、IP数据报、ICMP报文和UDP数据报的格式规定。In this paper, the encapsulation of ICMP packets and the specifications of IP packet, ICMP packet and UDP packet are introduced.

该方法借鉴了对等网技术的优点,利用IP欺骗原理和ICMP回响功能来完成检测。This method learns from the advantages of P2P, using IP spoof and the echo function of ICMP data packet to complete the detection.

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在ICMP重新导向的路由器网际网路位址栏位,是为一个特定网路使用来当作预设闸道器的IP位址。The Router Internet Address field in the ICMP redirect is the IP address that should be used as the default gateway for a particular network.

如题,请问什么是icmp重定向,他有何好处和坏处。我要如何查看我的路由是否配置了icmp重定向。谢谢!ICMP redirect messages are used by routers to notify the hosts on the data link that a better route is available for a particular destination.

并以此为基础引入TCP协议的一些实现技术,从而使这种通信模式具有面向连接的能力并具有一定的可靠性。Taking use of the ICMP packets, the authors add some techniques of TCP to make this communication mode connection-oriented and at some degree reliable.

系统采用校园网地址后12位作为哈希表的键值并建立一个专门统计传输层TCP、UDP端口以及网络层ICMP协议使用情况的数组。The last 12 bits of campus network address was chosed as a hash table key and built a counter struct array on recording the TCP, UDP ports and ICMP usage.

在此基础上,提出基于ICMP的启发式网络层拓扑探测算法,并对算法进行了复杂性分析和性能测试。Based on these, an ICMP based algorithm of heuristic Intra-AS network topology probe is put forward and realized. Then, the complexity of the algorithm is analyzed.

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该模块将用到多线程、定时器等多项技术,完成网元的通断测试、网元端口状态查询、网元端口流量采集等任务。Protocals such as ICMP and SNMP will be used in collaboration of network element interaction in gathering module to achieve the collection of network element information.

记住这一点,每次都相信Ping的可用性是一种愚蠢的行为,这个程序的结果不能完全相信,因为它建立在ICMP协议之上的。keep this in mind that, trusting Ping Utility every time is a sign of stupidity, this program can never be trusted upon its results because it relies on the ICMP Protocol.

分析了拒绝服务攻击形式,探讨了目前用于防止这些攻击的手段和方法,指出了这些方法所存在的问题,提出了一种针对分布式反射拒绝服务攻击的新的源追踪技术。The forms of DoS are analyzed. Present means and methods to prevent the attack and their limitations are discussed. An improved ICMP trace-back mechanism for DRDoS is put forward.

ICMP木马属于第三代木马,它不需要使用连接端口进行通讯,这样可以有效地绕过防火墙或是避免被木马清除工具消灭。Trojan horse with opening port is relatively easier to be detected by users or Trojan removal tools. There came the third-generation Trojan. ICMP Trojan horse is one of these kinds.

由于每个正常的ICMP消息应该与一个相应的应答配对,提出的ICMP正常模型通过ICMP请求和应答包数的最大允许比率定义。The proposed ICMP normal model is defined by a maximum allowed ratio of the number of ICMP request and reply packets, since each normal ICMP message should be paired with a corresponding reply.