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但这只是一个偏差。But it’s just a disjunction.

对两个表达式执行逻辑析取操作。Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions.

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每次统一都以剧烈的分裂为基础。Like society , it builds its unity on the disjunction.

THOG问题是研究不相容选言推理的一个实验范式。The THOG problem is a paradigm to study the exclusive disjunction.

对两个表达式执行短路包含逻辑析取。Performs short-circuiting inclusive logical disjunction on two expressions.

而冻伤断离时间过长.不缩短断离面再植成功率低。The low rate of success is due to congelation, non-shortened disjunction or mecism of disjunction time.

研究岩芋分布区的起源、发展和间断对岩芋属具有代表意义。The origin, development and disjunction of R. vivipara's distribution area is closely related to the genus.

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Cera是优柔寡断的一代人的超级英雄,而这种偏差如果以讽刺来处理会更好。Cera is a superhero for an indecisive generation, which might work if the disjunction were played for satire.

我们已经在人文学科与科学以及我们作为公民角色与职业角色之间打造了一道分离的鸿沟。We’ve created a disjunction between the liberal arts and sciences and our role as citizens and professionals.

目前,不相容选言推理在心理学领域仍然处于比较忽略的地位,在国内也仅有零星的研究。At the present time, the exclusive disjunction is still in a neglect situation, and there are only a few studies in China.

把往昔那圣歌的雄伟壮丽与购物季节的无礼和过度分开,那又何妨呢?What matters is not just the disjunction between the majesty of those old hymns and the immodesty of this shopping season.

从概念上说,分离应涉及两个或更多事物,但如果当前几乎没有分离,那么就不会产生错误。Conceptually, a disjunction should involve two or more things, but no error is currently raised if there are fewer disjoins.

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这是在神经胚形成期,皮肤外胚层从神经外胚层分离不完全所致。It is the result of incomplete disjunction of the cutaneous ectoderm from neural ectoderm during the process of neurulation.

目前导致人工髋部假体失效的主要原因在于假体松动以及因松动而造成的移位、脱位和折断。The main reason of invalidation of prosthetic hip joint is the prostheses flexibility and shift, dislocation and disjunction.

黄华属是豆科少数几个东亚北美间断分布属之一。Thermopsis is one of the few genera within Fabaceae with the distribution pattern of the East Asia North American disjunction.

利用金相分析理论,结合扫描电子显微镜,对司法物证中金属分物的同一性鉴定,是一种简便、快速、准确的新方法。By the theory of metallographic analysis and SEM, it is a new means to appraise the metal disjunction of identity of judicature evidence.

一个分类规则集表示为一组规则的析取,其中的每一条规则就是一个析取项。In essence, a set of classification rules can be regarded as logical disjunction of rules, so that each rule can be regarded as a disjunct.

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如果我们把人们“隔离”开来,“区分”每一个个体,并做单独的评价,就会把他们从他们身边的学习环境中“割裂”开来。If we atomize people and separate them and judge them separately we form a kind of disjunction between them and their natural learning environment.

本文对此三价体的联会调节机制及其对控制染色体交叉重组和染色体分离所起的重要作用进行了讨论。We has discussed the mechanism of the trivalent synaptic adjustment, and it's important use to control the chiasmata and disjunction of the chromosomes.

显然,可以组合使用这些操作符,建立复杂的有效短语列表。Obviously you can combine all these different options, so you might have a list of valid phrases by combining the concatenation and disjunction operators.