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他们仅仅操纵其基因。They can only manipulate its genetics.

我们知道机器可以处理符号We know machines can manipulate symbols.

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你知道怎样操作计算机吗?Do you know how to manipulate a computer ?

他们想要得到影响力和支配力。They want to gain influence and manipulate.

受让方的实际操纵人是谁?Transferee to manipulate the actual people?

营销人员如何控制我的的购买欲。How Marketers Manipulate Us to Buy, Buy, Buy.

我时常借助镊子来搞定这些造型。I use tweezers to manipulate the paper shapes.

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透过缩放、平移和环转来操控视图。Manipulate viewing through zoom, pan, and orbit.

他们操纵缅甸和田玉宗教雕塑市场。They manipulate the religious sculpture market too.

操作方式使用遥控器来自由地操控遮阳篷吧!Operate the remote control to manipulate the awning!

本类函数用来对字符串进行各种操作。The string functions allow you to manipulate strings.

从哪里学习构造和运用隐喻?Where do they learn to construct and manipulate metaphors?

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我们可以利用反射系数公式。We can manipulate the expression for reflection coefficient.

我们可以用特殊透镜和棱镜处理这种光线。With special lenses and prisms we can manipulate this light.

他很快学会了操作飞机的操纵装置。He quickly learned how to manipulate the controls of a plane.

他是一个善于操纵舆论的聪明人。He is a clever man who knows how to manipulate public opinion.

您永远会有包含和管理资料的资料列集物件。You always have a rowset object to contain and manipulate data.

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它定义消息交换,以便操作订阅资源。It defines message exchanges to manipulate subscription resources.

通过减少供应量,他们可以轻松操纵现货价格。They can easily manipulate it by decreasing supply into the market.

有一个编辑器可用来操纵这个文件的基本方面。An editor is available to manipulate the basic aspects of this file.