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死亡动物中包括三只坡鹿。They included three Eld 's deer.

在老少最后的家中发白Amid the last homes of youth and eld

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磁铁产生了磁场,铁屑被磁场的特征所影响。Iron filings are affected by characteristics of this eld.

中药的药物性肝损害是中医药界研究的热点问题。Herbal drug-induced liver injury is a hot issue in the fi eld of TCM researches.

方法通过野外考察、标本采集、分类鉴定、资料考证。Methods By open fi eld investigation, data collection, samples identification and document research.

同样,输出将是一个或多个纯文本文件将显示来自ELD发光,从文本。Again, the output will be one or more plain text files which will display the text from from the ELD.

阿多诺的音乐美学是其启蒙辩证法思想在音乐领域的具体运用。Adorno's aesthetic of music is the specific use of the Dialectics of Enlightenment in the fi eld of music.

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此外还介绍了超声波技术在污泥处理领域应用的前景。In addition, it introduces the application prospect of ultrasonic wave technology in sludge processing ?eld.

皮肤细胞的体外培养技术一直是化妆品相关皮肤领域研究的重要手段。The skin cutaneous-cell culture technologies have been important means in the fi eld of cosmetic and dermatology.

采用田间试验研究了腐植酸钾对食用甘薯块根品质的影响。With fi eld experiment, the effects of potassium humate on storage root quality of edible sweetpotato were studied.

我们的硬件非常可靠,而且,在三年内我们还提供24小时的上门服务。Our hardware namely very authentic, and the service contract gives you 24-hour on-location service for a full 3 eld.

大庆外围盆地存在多套烃源岩层和多种类型的储层,各盆地区域构造条件不同,盆地的沉积盖层和成藏条件也不同。A number of sets of hydrocarbon source rock and multi-type reservoirs exist in the surrounding basins of Daqing Oil?eld.

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总是使用攻击指令在活跃的战场上移动,除非你发出全线撤退的命令。Always use the Attack Move command to move troops across an active battlefi eld unless you’re ordering an all-out retreat.

介绍了在保温板材与基层的粘结强度现场拉拔试验中粘结剂的选用。Selection of adhesive for bonding strength fi eld pull-out tests of thermal insulation layer and substrate was introduced.

术后并发症的发生率高龄组明显高于非高龄组。There are significant difference among preoperative coexist disease and complicatings between eld group and control group.

目的探讨高龄人工髋关节置换术后健康教育的方法与内容,并观察实施健康教育后的临床效果。Objective To investigate the methods and contents of health education in eld patients after AHR, and to observe its clinical effect.

用ELD控制顽固性ICH与死亡率的明显下降及6个月后良好的功能恢复相关。Control of refractory ICH with ELD is associated with an important reduction of mortality and a good functional recovery at 6 months.

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某种程度上,这是“紧抿上唇”,一种世世代代恪守的矜持态度——藏起情感,无论在自得还是失意的时候。To some extent this is the tiff-upper-lip eld untremblingly by countless generations-concealing emotions in good times just as in bad.

沃维克大学在新闻发布会上说,英国的男性和女性在44岁左右最郁闷。In Britain, the quantity of incurvation for men and women peaks at around 44 eld of age, Warwick University said in a reception loosen.

地震后一周以及之后建立的专科临时医院对减少早期死亡率没有显著作用。Specialized ? eld hospitals established one week or more after an earthquake are therefore generally set up too late to reduce early mortality.