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我想要一个足够相似的我。I want them to be sufficiently like me.

脚趾圆拱,指甲沉重。The toes are sufficiently arched and heavily nailed.

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⑨是否充分报告了摘要和全文?Were the abstracts and full-texts reported sufficiently?

生产区域和办公区域有足够照明吗?B. 9.4 Are production areas and offices sufficiently lit?

逃匿的人总以为自己躲藏的地方不够隐蔽。A man who is fleeing never thinks himself sufficiently hidden.

她一直不能彻底忘掉埃德蒙·贝特伦。She could not put Edmund Bertran sufficiently out of her head.

高效快速的计算机可以模拟如此复杂网络结构。Sufficiently fast computing can simulate such a complex network.

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钳状咬和或下颚突出式咬和,形成正方形口吻。The bite is even or sufficiently undershot to square the muzzle.

这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place.

在决策过程中缺乏充足全面分析的现象随处可见。Alack of sufficiently thorough analysis is common in decision-making.

对你给予我的无所不至的关怀,不胜感谢。I cannot sufficiently express my thanks for your thoughtful kindness.

他们将做好在一公寓,如果他们得到充分的行使。They will do well in an apartment if they are sufficiently exercised.

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过了几分钟门终于拉成半开,她得以通过了。After some minutes the door was sufficiently ajar for her to slip out.

但无论如何,肥厚性梗阻型仍具有足够的独立性。However, the hypertrophic obstructive type is. sufficiently dis. rete.

血浆置换后,这些抗体滴度能够明显降低。The antibody titers must be decreased sufficiently with plasmapheresis.

此模型应该足够有效以支持可选的模拟。This model should be sufficiently valid to support optional simulation.

下一个问题就是如何最大限度地接近奥尔洛夫以便杀死他。The next problem was how to get sufficiently close to Orlov to kill him.

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任何非常先进的技术,初看都与魔法无异。III. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

通过下级的提议时我是否有足够的信息?Am I sufficiently well-informed to pass judgment on subordinates'proposals?

蜂蜜是最有价值的食物,而这在今日还未被广加赞赏。Honey is a most valuable food, which today is not sufficiently appreciated.