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即加州理工军械合同项目。Ordnance Contract to C. I. T.

这是第二门火炮。This was a second piece of ordnance.

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军械厂需要至少12工匠。Ordnance factory needs at least 12 craftsmen.

炮长命令把左舷长所有大炮搬到。The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved.

未燃爆的军火和地雷仍在夺走无数人的生命。Unexploded ordnance and mines continue to take thousands of lives.

炮兵军士长美国海军陆战队中指挥使用大炮的二级准尉。A warrant officer in the U. S. Marine Corps having charge of ordnance.

模块化的武器平台使它们能配备依任务而定的兵器。Their modular weapon mounts allow them to be fitted with mission-specific ordnance.

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他的名字已喝了一天党军械警长伊万彼得罗夫斯基。He had been drinking at the name day party of the ordnance sergeant, Ivan Petrovich.

所有需要的只是加挂合适的吊舱或其它军备。The simple addition of the proper external pods or ordnance is all that is required.

美军在1972年回到冲绳的时候,找到了很多未爆炮弹。Much of the ordnance had been recovered by the time the US returned Okinawa to Japan in 1972.

所使用的特殊的狙击弹和燃烧弹,顺带一提,这些子弹挺贵的。Special sniper bullets and explosive ordnance are used. Shells are quite expensive, by the way.

在2007年夏天,平均每个月有22吨的炮火砸在赫尔曼德。During the summer of 2007 an average of 22 tonnes of ordnance was dropped on Helmand every month.

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哦,还有激光.机械化火炮部队在导航能力上比陆军好太多了.Oh, and Lasers. And mechanized ordnance that is better at navigating than any meatbag with a map.

炮长命令将左舷所有大炮移到右舷以抵消倾斜,但是甲板的倾斜度还在加大。The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list.

兵器工业自身固有的特殊性和高危险性,决定了其开展安全评价的必要性。The special and high risk enhances the necessity to cany on safety evaluation in the ordnance industry.

全天候作战能力允许它在无法目视投弹的情况下准确的投放武器。An all-weather capability allows it to accurately deliver ordnance during non-visual bombing conditions.

药柱这个词是用于炸约或者甚至用于浇注火药块或晶体块的一个古老的军械术语。The word"grain"is an old ordnance term for explosive powder or even for blocks of cast powders or crystals.

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一连作战的步兵来占领街的尽头,在大炮的后面。A company of infantry of the line had come up and occupied the end of the street behind the piece of ordnance.

炮艇的弹带式火箭发射器可以根据特定任务需要使用特制的弹药。The gunship's belt-fed rocket launchers allow for specialized ordnance payloads for specific mission requirements.

现代战场上子母弹、撒布地雷等撒布弹药的大量使用,带来了严重的未爆弹药问题。With cargo projectile being attached importance to by the world, serious problem of unexploded ordnance has arisen.