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平均延滞时间?。Average Delay Time?

延迟你的反应。Delay your reaction.

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不要再拖了。Don't delay any more.

他的托辞只是缓兵之计。His excuse is for delay.

可变延迟线路?。VDL? Variable Delay Line?

法律总是痛恨迟延。The law always abhors delay.

别责备我耽误了。Don't blame me for the delay.

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班机不迟误我就会回来。I'll come back without delay.

此事刻不容缓。The matter admits of no delay.

此事不容耽搁。The matter allows of no delay.

延误使他们战败。The delay lost them the battle.

为什麽延迟法庭的再度辩论?Why the delay of a re-argument?

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上帝的迟延不等于上帝的拒绝A delay is not a denial from God

如果你有吸烟的冲动,先等一等。Delay. If you have an urge, wait.

我迫不及待地打开信封。I brooked no delay in opening it.

如果你有吸烟的冲动,先等一等。Delay . If you have an urge, wait.

他下决心不再拖延。He is determined to delay no more.

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对此次迟误,我感到很似的抱歉。I'm awfully sorry about the delay.

这事耽搁了我非常抱歉。I’m extremely sorry for the delay.

我们毫不迟疑地开始进行任务A2。We start on Task A2 without delay.