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很多人摆脱了羞怯。Many outgrow their shyness.

他的羞怯在她的亲切态度之下消失了。His shyness thawed under her kindness.

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他的才华为其羞怯所遮覆。His talent was submerged By his shyness.

当她开始与人们熟悉起来,她就不那么害羞了。As she got to know people better her shyness wore off.

模仿训练时要注意一个问题,就是含羞生理。Imitation should pay attention to a problem is shyness.

当小伙子朝她微笑时,她羞红了脸。She blushed for shyness when the young man smiled at her.

这种冷漠无情也许仅仅是为了掩饰害羞或傲慢。Such implacability may simply disguise shyness or arrogance.

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米利暗姆霍奇森也有作为一个孩子的极端羞怯的记忆。Miriam Hodgson also had memories of extreme shyness as a child.

是的。我爱他的英俊,爱他的腼腆和他的才华横溢。Yes. I love his good-looking, his shyness and his supereme talent.

但一些商家已经将催生素作为医疗羞怯手段。But some entrepreneurs are already touting oxytocin as a shyness cure.

“当她担任教师这一角色时,她的羞怯消失得无影无踪,”库本指出。“When she took on the role of teacher, her shyness went away, ” Coburn notes.

她为了克服自己的羞怯,却说话太多,笑声太大。She overcompensated for her shyness by talking too much and laughing too loud.

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乐儿想到自己和那人的经历,也娇羞承认。LeEr think of themselves and the peoples experience, also little shyness admit.

我把结尾那段都忘了,那真是拍上了我当时的腼腆。I forgot about the outro, my shyness at that time couldn't of been captured better.

除此之外,贾法里还得克服文化上的障碍,包括那些女性学生的羞怯。Jafari also has to overcome cultural barriers, including the shyness of his female students.

苗条,瘦弱,小小的,非常年轻的脸孔,他的性格则是极度地害羞。A slender, thin, little figure, a very young face, whose entire manner is one of extreme shyness.

虽然众所周知,她羞怯的性格伴随着她的成长,但是她却表现出对音乐和舞蹈的热衷。Although she was known for her shyness growing up, she did show an interest in music and dancing.

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辛巴杜讲述了一位50岁女士的故事,她发现角色扮演是克服害羞的好途径。Zimbardo tells the story of a 50-year-old woman who found acting to be a solution to her shyness.

药品公司在探寻可以减轻从中风到羞怯的大脑相关疾病的分子。Drug companies are hunting for molecules to assuage brain-related ills, from paralysis to shyness.

群众对安全套的羞涩心理降低,使用过安全套的人比例大幅度增加。Masses' shyness has been reduced, and the proportion of condom use has increased by a large margin.