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除了格洛里亚还有谁愿意干这种事?。Who but Gloria would do such a thing?

格洛里亚·马卡托是其中的一个幸运者。Gloria Marcato is one of the lucky ones.

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然后,我让格洛里亚在见面会上讲话。Then I turned the meeting over to Gloria.

他还是女权主义者格洛丽亚·斯坦尼恩的朋友。He is friends with feminist Gloria Steinem.

驾驶那辆出事的紫色迷你车的是格罗瑞亚琼斯。The driver of the purple Mini was Gloria Jones.

尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

随着一声轻咳,格洛亚终于恢复了呼吸。With a whoosh, Gloria finally gets her breath back.

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我写信给你是因为我不想放弃格洛里亚。writing to you because I'm not giving up on Gloria.

当雷清醒过来的时候,格洛亚已经几乎窒息了。As Ray gets his sense, Gloria is nearly end of breath.

我们今晚的演出由漂亮的格洛丽亚·门罗主持。Host our show this evening is the lovely Gloria Monroe.

我写信给你是因为我不想放弃格洛里亚。I'm writing to you because I'm not giving up on Gloria.

戴维自己也年近70了,他和妻子都有一份兼职工作。David will soon turn 70. He and Gloria both work part-time.

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“在这个地方野餐简直太妙了,”格格利亚.格利姆说。This is a wonderful place for a picnic,' said Gloria Gleam.

葛洛利亚患有重病,什么地方都不许去。Gloria has a serious disease and is forbidden to go anywhere.

好,我就是布林克斯利。米尔斯。我还有一个名字叫格格利亚。Well, I'm Brinksley Meers, and my other name is Gloria Gleam.

“这真是个野餐的好地方啊!”格洛利亚•格利姆说。"This is a wonderful place for a picnic, " said Gloria Gleam.

李科长发烧了,李英姿带着他去了医院。Section li had a fever and gloria li took him to the hospital.

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大家喝着香槟,吃着米烧鸡和凯莱汤。We drank champagne and ate arroz con pollo and sopa de gloria.

我感到我的脖子和手臂上有寒气袭来,葛罗瑞亚的脸色也变得苍白。I felt chill-bumps across my neck and arms. Gloria turned pale.

雷一拳打在了托特的鼻子上,然后扶住了倒下来的格洛亚虚弱的身体。Ray hits Todd on his nose and buttress Gloria as she falls down.