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随后是死一样的沉寂。This is usually followed by a posterior paresis.

良性地方性轻瘫大部分侵害未断乳小猪。Benign enzootic paresis affects young, unweaned piglets for the most part.

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术后出现一过性对侧轻瘫4例,一过性语言不利2例。The complications included 4 transient paresis and 2 transient slurred speech.

个别病例可遗有单侧或双侧面神经轻瘫。Individual case can not give side having sheet or paresis of double flank nerve.

在再次手术和腮腺广泛切除手术中长期性轻瘫发生率较高。Be in again occurence rate of long-term sex paresis is higher in operation and operation of parotid and extensive excision.

本组无死亡病例,术后昏迷1例,新出现暂时性颅神经障碍3例,无脑脊液漏发生。Temporal postoperative cranial nerve paresis occurred in 3 patients but no CSF leak, and 1 patient went coma postoperatively.

并发症有脑脊液漏1例、轻度面瘫2例、面部麻木6例、术后口唇嘴角处疱疹11例。Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in 2, facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in 11.

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当与浣熊无关时,也会出现相同的症状,麻痹会在症状出现后的3-4天达到最严重的程度。When not associated with a raccoon bite, the same symptoms occur, with the paresis taking about 3-4 days to reach it's maximum effect.

如有先天性面神经轻瘫,至少应进行两年追踪以确定所存在的畸形程度。If have paresis of congenital facial nerve, should undertake two years trailing the abnormal rate that exists with fixing place at least.

同时完成了一个关于含步态训练器“Lokohelp”的跑台-步态疗法对患有中枢和脊柱麻痹病人的疗效的试验。The meanwhile completed trial examines the effectiveness of the treadmill-locomotor therapy with the gait trainer LokoHelp on patients suffering from central and spinal paresis.

在追踪观察的45名中,41名完全恢复功能,未遗留任何后遗症,3名未完全恢复,1名轻瘫无功能改善。In tracking 45 of observation, 41 restore a function completely, did not offer as a gift leave any sequela, 3 unfinished restore completely, a paresis does not have functional improvement.

术后CT复查未见明显的脑牵拉性损伤,未发生额肌麻痹、眼球内陷、视力损害等并发症。Postoperatively, there was no any brain retraction injury demonstrated on CT scan in all cases, no evidence of enophthalmos, paresis of the frontal muscle, as well as the damage to the visual acuity.