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我想要一个大字典。I want to have a big glossary.

由谁创建业务术语表?Who creates a business glossary?

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第四章是词汇表。The fourth chapter is a glossary.

词汇表有编者提供。Glossary is provided by the editor.

词汇表应该有一个正式的所有者。The glossary should have a formal owner.

这本书还带有一份完善的术语表。The book has an excellent glossary of terms.

一个域模型如何与一个术语表相关联?How does a domain model relate to a glossary?

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运输船舶技术经济论证术语计算机符号。Computer symbols for glossary of merchant ship tec.

你可以从这本字典的词汇表中查到该词。You can look it up in the glossary of this dictionary.

我必须背下这本字典来通过英语考试。I have to recite this glossary to pass the English exam.

该部分最具特色的是术语表。The most important feature in this section is a glossary.

你可以从这本字典的词汇表中查到该词。You can look it up in the glossary of this dictionary. save.

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术语表用户可以为业务术语的定义提供协助。Glossary users may collaborate on the definition of a business term.

如果你不理解这个词,你可以去查字典。If you do not understand the word, you can look for it in a glossary.

但在术语表中这不一定是必须的。This does not necessarily represent supplication within the glossary.

首先,urbandictionary竟然压根没有“glossary”这一词条,虽然它的确有“gloss”这一词。To start with Urbandictionary doesn’t even have an entry for glossary.

完成标记后,便将所有新的字符串添加到了词汇表数据库中。After tagging, you have added all new strings to the glossary database.

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想使用业务术语库,首先要对其进行数据填充。Populating a business glossary with data is the first step to using it.

不过,有些人认为词汇表和分类法也属于元数据的范畴。However, some people consider glossary and taxonomy as metadata as well.

业务术语表的作用是提供清晰的业务术语。The role of a business glossary is to provide clear business terminology.