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那部影片我已看过多遍了。I've seen that film umpteen times.

这个故事我已讲了无数次了。I've told this story umpteen times.

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我已经多次叫你把那钱拿来给我看看。I've asked you umpteen times to show me the money!

正如削橙皮有无数种方法一样,将地球展平成一张地图也有无数种方法。Just as an orange may be peeled in umpteen ways, so may a globe flattened into a map.

她不必借书了,因为家中已有无数的书籍等她去读。She doesn't need to borrow a book because she's got umpteen books waiting to be read at home.

没有时间进行无数的面试来确保他就是那个人选或她是完美的人。There isn't time for umpteen dozen interviews to make sure he is the one or she is perfection.

因此就有了过量的旅游景点,像水轮公园,丝绸博物馆,大量巨大的石雕等。So there is a plethora of tourist attractions such as water wheel parks, silk museums and umpteen massive statues.

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下面让我们来看看史上最经典的十部儿童电影,即使你花再多时间去看也不会觉得烦。So, let’s have a look at the top 10 child movies of all time which you can watch umpteen times without getting bored.

一个人可以支持很多的公益事业,其中大多数是有价值且值得为之的,尽管其中一些可能相当琐碎模糊。One can support umpteen causes, most of which are worthy and deserving, whereas some can be rather frivolous and obscure.

它不让她装随机启动的会拖慢系统速度的新闻和天气的小插件。But it also won’t allow her to install umpteen news and weather gadgets that start up on boot and slow her computer to a crawl.

但是,当一个放映员可以搞定所有的大屏幕的时代到来之后,这些事就真真切切地发生在电影院里了。But that's the sort of thing that happens in cinemas these days, when there's only one projectionist looking after umpteen screens.

尽管在其76年的君主立宪制历史中,它已颁布了17部宪法,经历过无数次政变。This is despite the fact that it has adopted 17 constitutions and suffered umpteen coups in its 76-year history as a constitutional monarchy.

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经过数月的政党会议、递补选举、初选、媒体猜测、言论攻击,美国总统提名期已经结束。After umpteen months of caucuses, by-elections, primaries, media speculation and mud-slinging, the American Presidential Nomination season is over.

他们下结论说,男的不管多大年龄,总有无数适合结婚的对象可供选择,而女人随着年龄的增长是不断贬值的。They conclude that men of whatever age, are up for grabs by umpteen eligible-bachelor-seekers, yet a single woman's value is on a downward spiral as she ages.

很高兴为你做任何的有益于你的事情,给你提供无数的资源或者是在任何有助于你顺从你的心灵的方面帮去你去发展。I will be delighted to make any useful connections, send you umpteen resources and engage with you in everyway that will help you follow your own heart and to help you blossom.

市场上有许多中国货,包括格涅沙雕像、玩具、卫生用品、瓷砖、衣服、家具、餐具,甚至烟和大蒜!There are umpteen number of Chinese items in Indian market, including Ganesh statuettes, toys, sanitary items, tiles, cloths, furnishing items, cutlery, and even cigarettes and garlic!