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一个新的羽绒被。A new duvet.

这是一个印有“伦敦2012”字样的绒毛铺毯。This is a London 2012 branded duvet cover

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带袖子的限量版被套。Limited edition duvet covers with sleeves.

我们一定要知道鸭绒垫子吗?Why guys like you and I know what a duvet is?

我们一定要知道鸭绒垫子吗?Why do guys like you and I know what a duvet is?

我们必然要知道鸭绒垫子吗?Why do guys like you and I know whnear the a duvet is?

为学习解剖学的人设计的创意被套。Creative duvet cover designed for people who study anatomy.

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他在起居室睡着了,我便给他盖上了羽绒被。He fell asleep in the front room so I covered him up with a duvet.

在一张双层床铺位上,羽绒被下冒出一颗睡眼朦胧的头来。From under the duvet of a bunk bed, a bleary head briefly popped up.

第三天晚上可以扑通坐在羽绒被上,还能洗热水澡实在是太好了。It was lovley on night 3 to flop into a fluffy duvet and have a hot shower.

捏住鸭绒被的两个角,把鸭绒被塞进被套里。Holding the 2 far corners of the duvet, push the duvet into the duvet cover.

德斯高发言人说,店员将小猪裹在毯子里,并且打电话给「防止虐待动物协会」。Staff wrapped the piglet in a duvet and called the RSPCA, a Tesco spokesman said.

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床很大很豪华,鸭绒被也是相当软,能保证睡个好觉!The bed is huge and plush with the softest duvet cover to ensure a good night's sleep!

站在床头板的对侧,把鸭绒被套抛开,开口面向床头板的对面。Go to the bottom of the bed, flick out the duvet cover with the opening at the feet end.

让柔软的枕头、轻柔的羽绒被陪您进入宁静的梦乡。Drift off into a restful sleep, surrounded by larger pillows , crisp linen and a light duvet.

羽毛褥垫,豪华床上用品,羽绒被和精致纯棉床罩。Feather mattress pad, luxurious sheets with a light, feather duvet and fine cotton bedcovers.

穿着这身衣服睡觉时还要盖羽绒被,但现在居然没披外衣就到纽约来参加派对?I sleep in this thing under a duvet , but I'm wearing it to a party in New York with no coat?

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如果你铺床的时候要把棉被或者羽绒被头角铺反了,那就悄悄的啥也别说。If you pull a big comforter or duvet over the top when you make the bed, you really can't tell.

公司的主导品牌为四件套床上用品,包括被套、枕套及床单。Company's leading product is the set of four, including duvet cover, pillowcases and flat sheet.

此时的我还没有离开床,但这并不妨碍我越过被子把macbook拉过来。I'm not yet out of bed but it's a simple task to reach across the duvet and pull my MacBook towards me.