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要在你的朱红色的果汁里结束还是开始?Will it end or begin in your cinnabar juice?

这就是你之前提过的朱金漆木雕?Are they the cinnabar gold and wood carvings you mentioned?

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丹砂是炼汞最主要的矿物原料。Cinnabar is the main mineral material for polishing mercury.

潮州的金漆木雕也不例外。And Chaozhou cinnabar and gold wood carvings are no exception.

血染江山的画,怎敌你眉间一点朱砂。Bloody Jiangshan picture, how enemy you brow a little cinnabar.

凤凰朱砂享誉天下,又名丹砂、辰砂。Cinnabar Phoenix renowned the world, also known as cinnabar, cinnabar.

中国人大概从八世纪时开始制作朱砂雕漆。The Chinese began carving cinnabar lacquer in approximately the 8th century.

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如你所愿,你终究成了一颗在我心头的朱砂痔。As You Like It, you will eventually become one of cinnabar in my heart hemorrhoids.

三块金属底板是曲线的,通过细轴连在一起,并涂了厚厚一层掺朱砂的漆。Its three metal panels are curved, hinged and painted with a thick paint colored with cinnabar.

使用的颜料来自于不透明矿物和植被,如孔雀石和朱砂。The pigments used come from non-transparent minerals and plants such as malachite and cinnabar.

额头,那一印血红的朱砂触目惊心,忘记你,又谈何容易。Forehead, which India and blood-red cinnabar startling, forget you, again easier said than done.

它是辰砂与迪开石、高岭石化热液蚀变及汞矿化的产物。It is cinnabar and dickite , kaolinite petrochemical and hydrothermal alteration of the product of mercury.

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娶了白玫瑰,白玫瑰就是衣服上的一粒饭渣子,红的还是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。Married white roses and white rose is a grain of rice clothes! Red or words on a single cinnabar birthmark.

对一种含镍钼矿提取镍的条件和工艺进行研究。Determination of zinc, cadmium, cobalt and nickel in Chinese traditional medicines containing cinnabar by TLCS.

除偶见的过敏反应外,几乎所有的病例均为不合理用药引起。Except for allergic reaction, almost all the adverse events of cinnabar were caused by unreasonable application.

在东方,朱砂最常用于和如树树脂混合在一起。In the orient, the cinnabar pigment is most often combined with a resin varnish from trees of the cashew family.

曰丹砂因其颜色丹红,曰辰砂因凤凰汉朝时属辰阳县。Said, because of their color red red cinnabar, cinnabar said, because Phoenix is ane County when the Han Dynasty.

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目的从生物利用性角度评价含朱砂中成药中汞的潜在健康风险。ObjectiveTo introduce mercury bioaccessibility for risk assessment of Chinese patent medicines containing cinnabar.

乌江流域的先民们对丹砂的开采,成果显著,并以此为栽体,形成了极为丰富的乌江丹砂文化。The mining of cinnabar of early people in this area was fruitful and gradually formed the rich culture of cinnabar.

我们可以在空气中把朱砂加热来提取汞。我们亦可以把氧化银加热来提取银。We can extract mercury from cinnabar by heating it in air. We can also extract silver from silver oxide by heating.