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欢呼声盖过了他的叫声。Cheers drowned his shouting.

高呼着“铭记阿拉莫!”Shouting “Remember the Alamo!

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福罗拉听到有人大声喊叫。Flora heard somebody shouting.

他因大喊大叫而受到斥责。He was slapped for his shouting.

回答杜鹃的歌吟。Answering to the shouting Cuckoo.

乔那在梦中喊妈妈。Jonah has a dream shouting Mommy.

还活着,但是空着手,咆哮着。Alive but empty-handed and shouting.

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那一声“亲爱的”喊在谁的心里?。It out "dear" shouting in whose mind?

孩子们在嚷些什么?What are the children shouting about?

你不能靠吼叫来教你的孩子。You can't teach your child by shouting.

鲍勃,你听到有人在那边叫喊吗?Bob, do you hear a man shouting up there?

实验室不得大声喧哗和嘻闹。No shouting or playing in the laboratory.

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她气极了,冲我大喊。She got very angrystarted shouting at me.

他听得军营里面的喧闹声。He could hear shouting in the camp itself.

我不能容忍人们大声吵嚷和乱冲乱撞。I can't stand people shouting and pushing.

这就是“百寿亭”的来历。This is the "hundred Shouting" the origin.

他突然听见远处的叫喊声,便一跃而起,看见天空好像着了火。Suddenly he heard shouting in the distance.

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他突然听见远处的叫喊声,便一跃而起,看见天空好像着了火。Suddenly he heard shouting in the distance.

孩子们吵闹着闯进房间。The children barged into the room, shouting.

我在收音机上听到布莱德.韦恩上尉在叫喊。I heard Lt. Brad Winn on the radio, shouting.