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他非常调皮。He is very mistiness.

苔丝就在这样光线暗淡的暮霭里,往前从从容容地走。Through this low-lit mistiness Tess walked leisurely along.

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同时提出了一些消除定位模糊的方法。Meanwhile, some methods of eliminate position mistiness are provided.

旅游景观模糊美学特征包括形态模糊和内涵模糊。The features of the misty aesthetics landscape include mistiness of the form and the connotation.

实际上,如果不先深入认识西方修辞术的种种特质的话,任何轻易的比附只会带来模糊和混淆。In fact, we would bring nothing but mistiness and confusion through any comparison unless we apprehend the particularities of western rhetoric.

并且,在继承学界前辈科研成果的基础上,本文重点研究并总结了对于一个模糊系统,评价其社会效益的基本思路和方法。Besides on the basis of inheriting the outcome of former research , the thesis mainly study and summarize a mistiness system. make it the basic mind and method.

实验表明,本文提出的指纹图像增强算法对模糊,缺损的指纹图像有较好的增强效果。The experiment indicated that these fingerprint enhancement methods which were introduced in this paper, could amend the mistiness fingerprint with a good impact.

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对于可持续发展涵义一直以来都非常的模糊,建立在传统发展观之上的可持续发展是以经济的永续发展为主旨。It's very mistiness to the meaning of sustainable development, which is on the basis of traditional development view as well as the abidance development of economy.

由于所有对商业交易的定义都是难以捉摸和模糊不清的,很难清楚和准确地将某一行为归于商业行为或非商业行为。The mistiness and vagueness of the definition of commercial transactions contribute much to the difficulty in distinguishing commercial acts from non-commercial acts.

在窗前像一盏巨大的灯照亮房间,即使在多云的日子里,它的存在也能驱散抑郁,赶走一切阴霾。It stands outside my window like a huge lamp that sheds its light into my room, and even when the day is overcast, they dissipate the melancholy and scatter away all mistiness.

历史的逻辑理性则将二者统一起来,在历史的发展中寻找逻辑的确定性和规范性,消除神秘主义和模糊性乃至相对主义。Historical logic rationality would unify that two in order to search logical confirmatory and standardization from historical development, and remove mysticism, mistiness and relativism.

这种模糊美集中表现为艺术语言的模糊美、艺术意境的模糊美和艺术意蕴的模糊美。We can enjoy the beauty of mistiness of the work between the lines, which includes the beauty of mistiness of artistic language, artistic conception and the artistically implied meaning.

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这一思想的形成经历了由模糊到明晰、由承认到保护的发展过程,呈现出区分性、层次性和稳定性的理论特质。The formation of this thought experienced the development process from mistiness to perspicuity from acknowledgement to protection presented dipartite layered and stable theory characteristics.