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反向积分伴随方程的时间可以缩短。The time to integrate adjoint equations can be shortened.

执行特种任务的警察可以携带武器。Adjoint orbit of spacecraft can perform various specific missions.

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最后还证明了幂等算子和它的伴随是相似的。In the end we prove that idempotent operator is similar to its adjoint.

并实现了伴随场在全谱方法中的数值求解。The adjoint equations is successful solved by the fully spectral method.

最后讨论40个算子对构成伴随对的情况。Finally, 40 operator pairs constitute adjoint pairs or not are discussed.

本文提出一个新的基于伴随图的求BBD分解的启发式算法。A new heuristic algorithm for BBD decomposition based on adjoint graph is proposed.

基于GCR算法建立了Helmholtz方程的高精度切线性和伴随模式。Helmholtz Equation's high precision tangent and adjoint mode was set up based on GCR.

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分析影响航天器长期伴随飞行的各种因素。Then the factors which effected spacecrafts long-time adjoint flying were listed and analyzed.

分别从连续的、离散的非线性二维浅水波模式,建立其伴随模式。The adjoint models are derived from continuous and discrete two dimension shallow-water models.

由于伴随多项式系数的特点,决定了它的根具有特殊性。Since the characteristic of its coefficient, adjoint polynomials'roots has some specific property.

给出了非奇异矩阵A的伴随的广义特征向量的表达式。An expression of the generalized eigenvector of adjoint matrices for nonsingular matrix A is derived.

本文讨论了李群及李群伴随表示不变子空间的性质,文末对李群还引入了一种联络。In this paper, some properties of Lie Group and the adjoint representation of Lie Group are discussed.

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伴随其成长过程,还存在一些如建设管理机制、筑师素质及设计风格等方面的问题。On the other hand, the optimal control is a reverse problem and is to be solved with the adjoint equation.

讨论了交换环上伴随矩阵的若干性质,给出了整环上的一个主要结论。Several properties of adjoint matrix over an arbitrary ring and obtain some results over domain are given.

声辐射模态伴随系数与对应的辐射声功率成正比。The adjoint coefficient of sound radiation modes is proportional to the corresponding sound radiation power.

本文认为线性网络的灵敏度分析并不需要利用伴随网络。It is shown that adjoint network is not necessary when the sensitivity of the linear network is to be analysed.

相邻环节传递的信息不再是每个成员经营决策的唯一依据。The information that the adjoint link transmits is no longer the only basis of each member's business decision.

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应用伴随运算放大器可以精确测量光电池的光特性。The method for exactly measuring photocell light function is proposed by using a adjoint operational amplifier.

声辐射模态伴随系数的获取是基于声辐射模态理论进行ASAC控制中的重要环节。It is important in ASAC based on acoustic radiation modes to obtain adjoint coefficients of the radiation modes.

理想实验的结果表明,利用伴随法反演底摩擦系数是合理且有效的。Twin experiments show that the adjoint method can inverse the prescribed bottom friction coefficients perfectly.