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你气死我了。口语。You piss me off.

滚开,你们这群杂种!Piss off, you mongrels!

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规矩点,别把我惹毛了!Behave, don't piss me off!

你有种马尿的芳香。You smell like horse piss.

不过你还是惹毛了我。You still piss me off, though.

再喝一杯,他就要醉了。On more glass, he will piss off.

小便时把尿装进1.5公升的瓶子里。Collect my piss into 1.5L bottle.

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某人快把我气死了!!!!Somebody else gonna piss me off! ! ! !

真可怕。我大概会吓得尿裤子。Terrifying. I may well piss my breeches.

再钓鱼般用鱼杆钓上去大便和小便。Then, later, fishing up her shit and piss.

而这些男人把她烦得要命。What's more, these men always piss her off.

怎么?这样你又可以拿我钱财溜之大吉?。What? So you can piss off with my money again?

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地铁充满了汗味、尿味和烟味。Subways that smell like sweat and piss and smoke.

酸性的雨,颜色就像小便一样让人恶心。The rain was sour and acid, nearly the color of piss.

不知道是被噩梦惊醒的还是被尿憋醒的。I’m not sure which woke me, the piss or the nightmare.

那个该死的小帐篷就跟猫尿一样臭,比猫尿还臭。And that goddamn pup tent smells like cat piss or worse.

如果这句话没有使你生气,那么你就是保持了良好的状态。If the sentence did not piss you off, then you are in good shape.

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我今天所做出的工作,是否让我自己觉得骄傲?还是我只是混吃等死过了另外一天?Am I proud of the work I do today, or do I just piss away my time?

红颈将近从他们知道怎么从亚拉巴马人撒尿的高速档杀死人。People From Top Gear They know how to piss of people from Alabama.

很好,因为十戒在这里狗屁不值。Good, 'cause the Ten Commandments don't mean a box of piss in here.