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戴维·莱特曼赚多少钱?How much do you think David Letterman makes?

我喜欢,大卫·利特曼是我的老板,我了解他的过去。I'm like, David Letterman is my boss. I have got his back.

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戴维·莱特曼赚得比一个学校老师多这么多?That David Letterman makes that much more than a school teacher?

像杰•雷诺和大卫•莱特曼这样的老牌主持人则避免拿政治开涮。The old-guard of Leno and Letterman avoid this political comedy.

开始画漫画约克与莱特曼外套开始。Start drawing a cartoon jock beginning with the letterman jacket.

今天,他要求验看一下婴儿的出生证明”。Today, he demanded to see its birth certificate." –David Letterman

看来所有的谈话节目都很晚。The first one, Late Show With David Letterman . begins at eleven-thirty.

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每个人都认为假如莱特曼离去,国家广播公司已经有卡维等候接替。Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts.

每个人都认为如果莱特曼离去,国家广播公司已经有卡维等候接替。Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts.

当奥巴马总统听到这件事的时候,他非常生气,结果他推杆进球居然没进。When he heard about that, President Obama was so angry, he missed a putt." –David Letterman

纽约市今天如此之冷,以至于善待动物组织的人都穿上了皮草衣服。It's so cold in New York City, that the head of P. E. T. A. was wearing fur. –David Letterman.

事实上,今天的早些时候,它在椭圆办公室留下的一坨屎比布什留下的大多了。In fact, earlier today, he left a bigger mess in the Oval Office than Bush did." --David Letterman

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事实上,今天的早些时候,它在椭圆办公室留下的一坨屎比布什留下的大多了。In fact, earlier today, he left a bigger mess in the Oval Office than Bush did." --David Letterman

举个例子来说,如果她计划去参加“莱特曼秀”,她会提前完成自己的作业。If she was scheduled to appear on the Letterman show, for example, she would finish her paper early.

美国著名脱口秀主持人大卫·莱特曼在受到穆斯林极端分子的恐吓后并没有躲藏起来。David Letterman isn’t hiding in a corner after being named as a target by a user of a Muslim extremist.

虽然莱特曼称赞奥利弗的想法,但他却说,在这样一个到处充斥着快餐连锁店和方便食品的国家里,你的想法是行不通的。While Letterman praised Oliver's idea, he said it wouldn't work in a country full of fast food chains and convenience food.

切尼是这么说的,然后我就想,好吧,你们知道,切尼是对哦,因为伊拉克战争这件事是被考虑的非常周到的。And I was thinking, well, you know, Cheney is right, because that Iraq war thing was so well thought out." --David Letterman

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奥巴马在俄罗斯访问,我们获悉这个消息是因为佩林从家里看到了他。"President Obama is in Russia. And we know this because Sarah Palin says she can see him from her house. " – David Letterman.

是吧,所以,共和党人很生气,然后我就在想,大家都知道嘛,八年前就应该生气了,但是没有。And I was thinking, well you know, the time to get angry might have been eight years ago, but that didn't happen." --David Letterman

基尼说莱特曼“没有违反公司的骚扰政策”,而且“从来没有人对他提出指控。”Keaney also said Letterman "is not in violation" of the company's harassment policy "and no one has ever raised a complaint against him.