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这一点不宜过分强调。It's inadvisable to overemphasize this point.

这实在是太强大了。I really can't overemphasize how powerful this is.

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我不会过分强调这本书的重要性。I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book.

这个地方的清洁我再怎么说都不为过。I can't overemphasize the cleanliness of this place.

我无法更加强强调他们所受的心理创伤。I cannot overemphasize the psychological trauma to these people.

我们不必过分强调凡尔赛和约的缺陷。We need not overemphasize imperfections in the peace of Versailles.

再怎么强调保护视力的重要性也不为过!We cannot overemphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much!

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我们不能过分强调这是一项通过实践获得的技能。We cannot overemphasize that this is a skill developed through practice.

过份重视文章的数量,对研究有负面的效果。The overemphasize of quantity of papers does have negative effect on research.

对容器管理的事务怎么强调都不会过分。It's impossible to overemphasize the importance of container-managed transactions.

有些学生过分强调考试不及格的客观原因。Some students tend to overemphasize the influence of objective forces when they fail some subjects.

一个开发组织既不应当过分强调,也应当减少系统测试的重要性。A development organization should neither overemphasize nor minimize the importance of system testing.

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然而该领域工作者往往倾向于过分强调西方国家一些语言教学模式。However, people in the EFL education field tend to overemphasize the language teaching models from Western countries.

食用动物使我们下意识地紧张,以至于我们神经质地过分强调我们的独特性,以及我们与动物的区别。Eating animals makes us so subconsciously nervous that we neurotically overemphasize our uniqueness and our separateness from them.

当谈到明显的威胁区域时,今年我们的声明率先提到了网络威胁,很难强调其重要意义。When it comes to the distinct threat areas, our statement this year leads with cyber and it's hard to overemphasize its significance.

社会的成长使我们有需要精晓英语,是以进修英语的主要性无论怎么强调都不外分。The development of society has made it necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English, so we can't overemphasize the importance of learning English.

我不想过分强调中国所面临的挑战,但我确实认为,当某些人在鼓吹中国将统治世界的理论时,外部世界应该考虑到这一点。I don't want to overemphasize China's challenges, but I do think the outside world should take this into account when some say China is going to rule the world.

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因为廉价中国商品对于大型零售商来说更有利可图,他们在促销中往往过分强调这些价格较低的商品。Because Cheapy Chinese goods are more profitable for the major retailers to handle, they have tended to overemphasize these lower priced items in their promotions.

两项工作都很重要,任何偏颇将对我国可持续发展战略的实施带来重大的损失。Both two works play the same important role. If one is overemphasize or underemphasize, it will cause huge losses for the implementation of sustainable development.

这场论战的认识论根源在于科学元探夸大了科学实践的社会维度,也反映出了两种文化的新对抗。Epistemologically, the war results from the fact that science studies overemphasize the social dimension of scientific practice, and the war reflects a new antagonism between two cultures.