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不要放过每个出去快乐兜风的机会。Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

宴会后他们一起搭她父亲的车子去兜风。After the party they all went on a joyride in her father's car.

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兜风将保持观众意犹未尽,所有晚上长!JoyRide will keep the audiences wanting more, all evening long!

艾克,闻名全巴西的矿石巨头,带着我们这样兜风对他来说就是九牛一毛。Eike, as the minerals magnate is known in Brazil, could easily afford to give us this joyride.

我们还在一起的时候,有一天我的前任女友喝醉了,然后在我不知道的情况下,她决定开着我的卡车出去兜风。While we were still dating, my ex decided to take a drunken joyride in my truck without me knowing.

真正的乐趣和麻烦时,诺亚开始,一个犹太男孩,他在初中开会,发生在一个乔伊赖德他欲望和爱情。The real fun and trouble begin when Noah, a Jewish boy he meets in junior high school, takes him on a joyride to lust and love.

警方称,美国南佛罗里达州一7岁男孩因偷开祖母的“道奇杜郎戈”寻开心,将面临盗窃汽车罪的指控。Police say a 7-year old South Florida boy faces grand theft auto charges after taking his grandmother's Dodge Durango for a joyride.

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然后,沿着轨道,在超过80英里/时的速度下,这个给人深刻印象的300英尺长,26层楼高的云霄飞车旅程变为了疯狂的“飙车兜风”活动。You then race around the track at speeds in excess of 80 mph making this impressive 3, 500-foot long, 26-story tall a mental joyride.

他是为了游览飞行,才与一个来自南非的“银色猎鹰”飞行表演队的经验丰富的飞行员一起起飞,但不久就发生了此事件。The incident happened shortly after he took off for a joyride with an experienced pilot from South Africa's Silver Falcons air display team.

这名18岁的小兵驾驶第一辆坦克上路后不久就冲出公路,于是返回兵营又开出一辆坦克,他的逍遥旅程直到撞上一棵路边树后才告结束。The 18-year-old recruit came off the road in his first tank joyride attempt, then went back and sped off with another. His journey stopped when he hit a tree.

直鞋带药剂师的平静的生活失去控制时,他与明星谁需要他在涉及性,毒品,并有可能谋杀兜风奖杯妻子顾客有染。A straight-laces pharmacists uneventful life spirals out of control when he stars an affair with a trophy wife customer who takes him on a joyride involving sex, drugs, and possibly murder.

影片在纽约的殖民地剧院放映,片中一只无礼的小老鼠驾驶着皮特船长的蒸汽船到处兜风,还在各种各样田园动物的伴随下演奏美妙的音乐向老鼠米妮求爱。The film at New York's Colony Theatre showed an irreverent rodent who takes Captain Pete's steamboat on a joyride and woos Minnie Mouse by making music on the bodies of various farm animals.