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麦克阿瑟给抗议者们20分钟时间撤离。MacArthur gave the marchers 20 minutes to vacate.

他们必须在星期三以前将办公室腾出来。They have to vacate their offices before Wednesday.

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客人被要求在中午12点以前退房。Guests were asked to vacate their rooms before 12.00.

要说服老一点的同志把位子腾出来。We should persuade older comrades to vacate their leading posts.

由于空袭的危险,所有老百姓均须撤离市区。Owing to the danger of air raids, all civilians must vacate from the city.

所有居民在九月十九日中午之前必须离开这个地区。The notices state that all residents must vacate the area by noon on September 19.

要是地球会自己转的话,那我就能瞬间移位。If the Earth were to spin, the space I occupy I will therefore vacate in an instant.

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通常,法庭判定后,室友有72小时搬离租屋。Oftentimes, people usually have 72 hours after a court ruling to vacate the premises.

学生必须提供至少10天的意图腾空,以ORL人员事先通知。The student must provide at least 10 days advance notice of intent to vacate to ORL staff.

经过慎重考虑,牧场主马克·埃利斯决定迁离位于萨蒙市北部的温泉农场。A study in resignation, cattleman Mark Ellis prepares to vacate Hot Springs Ranch north of Salmon.

我完全愿意把我已经占据了这么久的一隅之地让出来,让另外一个人站进去。I am quite willing to vacate the little niche I have occupied so long and let another step into it.

您当前的租契是否允许您对您的房客提出在某一段时间之内搬出的要求?Does your current lease allow you to request that your tenant vacate within a certain period of time?

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费格罗亚,洛杉矶东部郊区南艾尔蒙地市市长,现在得在晚上11点前离开市政府。Blanca Figueroa, the mayor of South El Monte, a suburb east of Los Angeles, must now vacate city hall by 11pm.

当被要求腾出公司提供的宿舍时,震惊变成了恐慌。The shock turned to fear when they were also ordered to vacate their employer-provided apartments, a common job benefit here.

建立廉租住房保障家庭腾退的住房的管理与运作的保障机制具有重要意义。The establishment of housing security vacate housing management and operation of security mechanisms is of great significance.

要说服老一点的同志把位子腾出来,要不然年轻干部没有位子呀。We should persuade older comrades to vacate their leading posts. If they don't, there will be no positions for the young cadres.

虽然许多现任众议员的未来计划尚未确定,但大约25位众议员有可能在本届国会结束时卸任。While many incumbents’ plans remain in flux, approximately 25 representatives are likely to vacate their seats after this Congress.

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乔兹说,上个月通过的一项法律规定,在巴格达所有非法占用住房的人都要搬出去,否则将受到起诉。Chauzy says a law passed last month requires that all squatters vacate houses they unlawfully occupy in Baghdad or face prosecution.

接下来,你雇了一群人,在这间地下室里帮你出售证券,如果政府想要发难,他们可以快速撤离So, you'd have a whole bunch of people selling securities down there and they could vacate quickly if the authorities challenged you.

我们需要30天的书面通知迁出迁出。全部迁出政策的细节将提供您当时的动议项。We require a 30 day written vacate notice to move out. Full details on the vacating policy will be provided for you at the time of move-in.