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我不打算为针灸还是其他的啥辩论。I am not an apologist for acupuncture or anything else.

中国最著名的作家是一名改革派还是一位护教者?Is China's most eminent writer a reformer or an apologist?

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在这种情况下,你成为一个为所属宗教进行辩护的人。In this case you become an apologist for your own religion.

他被说成是政府的主要辩护者。He has been cast in the role of chief apologist for the government.

我不想为中国年轻人的激烈行为辩护。I am no apologist for the aggressive action by those Chinese young people.

“但或许”道歉者称,“问题是美国人的信仰是什么。"But maybe," the apologist insists, "the problem is in what Americans believe.

辩护团队视坦塔维为穆巴拉克的辩护者,认为他将会为穆巴拉克开脱罪名。Tantawi defense team as an apologist for the Mubarak, Hosni Mubarak that he will justify charges.

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也别试图通过当一个诡辩者贬低中国的奖牌数量,这使我们看起来弱小又惊恐!Don't try and cheapen China's numbers by being an apologist either, it make us look weak and scared!

本篇文章,连同这一整个网站,是一个不敢于触及中国内部实际现实的为中国辩解论坛。This article, together with this entire website, is a China apologist forum which dare not to touch actual reality inside China.

尽管有康德在,关于道德由宗教驱动的问题上,去同意我的假想护教师实在是一件诱人的事情。Kant notwithstanding, it is tempting to agree with my hypothetical apologist that absolutist morals are usually driven by religion.

他宣布“我相信正义,但是我捍卫我的祖国胜过正义,”而闻名于世,有人指责他是殖民地的辩护者。When he famously declared that “I believe in justice, but I will defend my mother before justice,” he was denounced as a colonial apologist.

畅销作家与基督教辩护士说笑一筹莫展,希望有新的证据,要求判决将进一步证明基督教信仰的历史文献。Bestselling author and Christian apologist Josh McDowell hopes The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict will further document historical evidence of the Christian faith.

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当未来的代言人年龄已达到03年他的父亲投下大约为一个基督教导师能力给予他的儿子接受最好的教育时代提供了依据。When the future apologist had reached the age of twenty-three his father cast about for a Christian tutor capable of giving his sons the best education the age afforded.