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认为对他的惩罚太严厉了。I think the chastisement to him is too critical.

我做了什么以致该受如此严重的惩戒?What have I done to deserve such severe chastisement?

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他承认上帝的责罚是他受苦的原因。He recognizes the chastisement of God as the reason for his suffering.

让我们不要畏缩难学的功课,和逃避教鞭的惩罚了。Let us not shrink from a hard lesson or wince under any rod of chastisement.

是法律模子中浇铸出来的一整个主惩罚的铜像。To be the statue of Chastisement cast in one piece in the mould of the law, and.

这只是一条小规则,跟无礼差不多,可能只是温和的惩戒一下。It was a minor rule, rather like rudeness, punishable only by gentle chastisement.

当上帝击打我们,我们的责任,就是要绝对顺服,接受炼净的工作。When the LORD smites , it is our special duty to accept the chastisement with profound submission.

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第二章是“我国未成年人犯罪制裁体系的立法现状及缺陷”。Chapter Three is how to found a chastisement system of juvenile delinquency reasonable in our country.

我们应当明白神对我们的管教是为了让我们明白自己错了那里,怎样才能更好的侍奉神。We must use the chastisement God gives us to understand how we are failing and how we can serve Him better.

由于受到的谴责,吉布斯先生一直都强硬的表示他希望民主党人在两院中坚守。Since his chastisement Mr Gibbs has insisted stoutly that he expects the Democrats to hold on to both chambers.

和我一样可怜,这些阿拉伯人相信在地狱中等待我的惩罚要更严厉和持久。As wretched as I am, these Arabs believe that the chastisement that awaits me in hell is far more severe and lasting.

莉莉,他决定了,将必须立即开始学习这件事,不然他会被叫进来为了她不尊重别人的瞎说而受到处罚。Lily, he decided, would have to learn that soon, or she would be called in for chastisement because of her insensitive chatter.

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由于他们与国王相悖,这些教士被瑞典宣布放逐,但依旧存在于丹麦挪威,随时准备对任何敌人施以威严神圣的惩罚。Leading a retinue to rival a king, these clerics are outlawed in Sweden but still deliver holy chastisement to the foes of Denmark and Norway.

当惩罚临近的时候,报仇要来到,籍着在他们的恶行上有份并苦待他们的那些王,他们自己也要为真理被分散。And when the times of chastisement draw nigh and vengeance arises through the kings who share in their guilt and punish them, they themselves also shall be divided as to the truth.

后来,她收到儿童委员会的一封正式信函,告诉她对孩子的威胁会被记录在案达14年之久。Later, she received an official letter from the council's children's services department, warning her that her "chastisement" of them had been "put on record" for at least the next 14 years.