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他的态度近乎不礼貌。His manner verges on impoliteness.

他的无礼举止受到了严厉的批评。He was scourged for his impoliteness.

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我对他的无礼感到很生气。I'm annoyed at him for his impoliteness.

她对我抱怨他的无礼。She complained to me about his impoliteness.

他必须对他的不礼貌向我道歉。He must apologize to me fir his impoliteness.

他必须要为他的无礼向我道歉。He must apologize to me for his impoliteness.

我对你的无礼的忍耐是有限的。My tolerance of your impoliteness is limited.

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你必须就你的无礼行为向我道歉。You must apologize to me for your impoliteness.

他因服务员的无礼而生气。He is angry with the waiter for his impoliteness.

她几乎马上就对我开始抱怨起他的无礼来了。Almost immediately she began to complain to me about his impoliteness.

如果你愿意原谅我,我收回刚才说的不礼貌的话。I withdraw the impoliteness words I said just now if you can forgive me.

老夫人对这个年轻人对她表现出的无礼态度大为震怒。The old lady was very angry about the impoliteness the young man showed to her.

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本文采用语言学理论对判决书中出现的礼貌现象进行研究。The present study discusses the politeness and impoliteness phenomena in judicial judgments.

库尔佩珀针对礼貌原则提出了不礼貌原则及其回应框架用以分析冲突性话语。However, the principles of politeness are far from satisfactory in analyzing discourse of impoliteness.

没想到三十年后的今天,我还是站在这里,面对的却是一群目无尊长的后生晚辈。I never think that after thirty years, i am still standing here, but face to juniors with impoliteness.

菲律宾的所有男士们,请不要试图吻我,以免我对你们无礼。The havings of Philippines the mans, please don't try to kiss me, in order to prevent I to you impoliteness.

不要当众发怒,不耐心,或者不尊敬。这样的不礼貌永远不会被对对方原谅。Never express anger, impatiences, or disrespect in public. Bad feelings engendered by public criticism, or impoliteness are never forgotten.

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因此我劝你对于任何人都要讲究礼仪,并且尽量不要做违背礼仪的事,以免冒犯他人或树敌。So, in my eyes, everyone should pay more attention to etiquette and try the best to avoid impoliteness lest any offence or even making enemies.