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你很难称这个订货量相当大,对吧?You can hardly call it a sizable order, can you?

这对一个大到令人不安的选民群体很有吸引力。This appeals to an unsettlingly sizable group of voters.

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春夏秋冬,四季更迭,不变的是熙来攘往的人群。Seasons change but remain unchanged is the sizable crowd.

同时,水牛是一个相当大的挣扎鼠患。At the same time, Buffalo was struggling with a sizable rat infestation.

尽管在银行有一笔数目可观的存款,卡诺先生却总是穿着旧衣服。Mr. Carno always wore old clothes although he had a sizable bank account.

詹戈将成为克隆人军队的模板,酬金相当可观。In exchange for a sizable fee, Jango would become the template of a clone army.

如果印成书的形式,有些大城市的报纸的*量会相当可观。Some metropolitan newspapers would make sizable volumes if printed in book form.

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阿瓦士是一个石油大省,也是阿拉伯人口最多的地方。Ahvaz is in the oil-rich Khuzestan province, which has a sizable Arab population.

我看到,在一栋红木屋旁,有一个庞大建筑物的地基。Next to a red-frame house were the footings of what had been a sizable structure.

假如你支付大笔的首期款,你每月的费用就会少很多。You will have much smaller monthly fees if you start with a sizable down payment.

现在买得起西方药品的亚洲人为数甚众,而且人数还在不断增长。S. and Europe. Sizable and increasing numbers of Asians can afford to buy Western drugs.

他说,这个计划一旦实行,对亚洲金融市场将是一个极大的促进。He says if it materializes the fund could be a sizable boost for Asia's financial markets.

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生成大量数据以代表一个音频文件需要耗费许多资源。It takes a lot of resource to generate a sizable amount of data to represent an audio file.

我方一般不给佣金。但是如果订货数量大,我们可以考虑。As a rule we do not allow any commission. But if the order is a sizable one, we'll consider it.

但我想说一说这个地沟油的现旬,我在大酒楼上班,是这个酒楼的厨师长,所以多少知道些情况。I am working at this sizable restaurant as the head chef, so I know some information about this.

很少僧伽罗人和泰米尔人是基督教徒,大多数是罗马天主教徒。Sizable minorities of both Sinhalese and Tamils are Christians, most of whom are Roman Catholic.

作为中国最知名的人物之一,杨澜拥有一大批追随者。Ms. Yang, one of China's best-known celebrities, commands a sizable following in this demographic.

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Cottarelli称,"这是一个相当大幅的调整,而且对发达经济体而言还只是个平均调整幅度.""This is a fairly sizable adjustment and is the average for advanced economies," Cottarelli added.

中国与印度拥有大规模的劳动力,而俄国与巴西拥有丰富的自然资源。China and India have sizable labor resources, while Russia and Brazil are rich in natural resources.

即使这行不通,他妻子也会有一沓与他对质公堂的凿凿证据。Failing that, his wife will have a sizable dossier with evidence of infidelity to confront him with.