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你听说过吐鲁番吗?Have you heard of Turpan ?

经过36小时他到了吐鲁番。After 36 hours he had to Turpan.

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吐鲁番的葡萄,哈密的瓜,伊犁的苹果顶呱呱。The Turpan grapes, Hami melons and Ili apples are all the best.

但它夏天不像吐鲁番那么热因为它在山脉里面。But it isn't as hot as Turpan in summer because it's in the mountains.

在吐鲁番市爆发的禽流感事件中,有将近5000只禽鸟死亡。Nearly five-thousand birds died in the outbreak in the city of Turpan.

我乘坐的从嘉峪关到吐鲁番的夜班火车延误了将近2小时。My night train from Jiayuguan to Turpan was delayed for almost 2 hours.

额敏和卓曾是吐鲁番地区的一个世家大族—维吾尔族的领袖。Eein Hoja are once the family of Han in Turpan region, who is Uygur leader.

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目前,8级大风仍在吐鲁番地区的托克逊县、鄯善县肆虐。A level-8 wind is still raging through Toksun and Piqan counties near Turpan.

吐鲁番盆地,最低点-154米,是中国海拔最低的地方。Turpan Basin is the place at the lowest elevation with the lowest spot of -154 meter.

吐鲁番大饭店门前,司机帮我把行李从车上拿下来。“对不起,”他说。In front of Grand Turpan Hotel my driver helped me get my suitcase out. "I'm sorry, " he said.

吐鲁番出土的文书和随葬品充分证明了这一历史史实。The ancient books and articles in the tombs unearthed in Turpan have proved this historical fact.

研究采用PCR-SSCP方法分析了吐鲁番斗鸡和新罗曼鸡单胺氧化酶A基因外显子6部分序列的多态性。Polymorphism in Exon 6 of MAOA gene of Turpan cockfighting and Xinluoman was analyzed by PCR-SSCP.

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吐哈盆地北部凹陷不存在大型盖层滑脱型推覆构造带。There are no large slipping nappe structure belts on the north depression in the Turpan Hami basin.

但是传播范围不广,主要盛行于汉人比较集中的吐鲁番、哈密等地。However, Taoism was limited mainly to the Turpan and Hami areas, where Han people were concentrated.

先去体验了吐鲁番50摄氏度的高温,又参观了果实累累的葡萄沟。The heat of the first to experience the turpan 50 degrees Celsius, and visited the fruitful authors.

我知道吐鲁番车站离市中心远着呢,这价钱够便宜。That's pretty cheap for I know the railway station in Turpan is far away from the center of the city.

温吉桑油气聚集带是吐鲁番坳陷的主要油气聚集带之一。The Wenjisang hydrocarbon accumulation zone is one of the main accumulation zones in Turpan Depression.

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既然前往吐鲁番的火车还有几个小时才开,我决定第二次乘公交探索这个城市。Since my train to Turpan was still hours later, I decided to explore the city on a bus for the second time.

吐鲁番奇热的气候,奇特的地形,包蕴着许多奇异的趣事。Excessive heat and unusual topographical features make the Turpan Basin the locale of many interesting happenings.

新疆吐鲁番盆地连日来持续高温,还出现今年高温新极值47.4摄氏度,这也是当地近38年历史中的第二高值。A heat wave has swept the Turpan Basin in Xinjiang recently, where the temperature reached a new high of 47.4℃ this year.