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他在君主那里说得上话。He had the ear of the monarch.

那君主被军事政变者废黜了。The monarch was ousted by a military coup.

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布兰克山是山中之王。Mont Blanc is the monarch of the mountains.

黑脉金斑蝶的平均寿命是9个月。The average monarch lives about nine months.

帝王和诸侯们也都消失,像一声叹惋。When monarch and states vanished, like a sigh.

这表明他自命为宇宙君王。This signified his claim to be a universal monarch.

这块奇妙的地皮为历代帝王、名流所景仰。The land is respected by monarch and famous persons.

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后来,龙成了权利和帝王的象征。Later, dragon became the symbol of power and monarch.

她是汉诺威家族的最后一个不列颠君主。She was the last British monarch of the House of Hanover.

于是她就乘坐国君的马车,赶去看望母亲。She monarch on the carriage ride, the mother came to visit.

这是邻居今天早上给的那枚大头。That is the monarch which our neighbor gave us this morning.

新的研究表明,王蝶就属于这种动物之一。A new study shows that monarch butterflies may be among them.

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英国是一个没有立宪君主的王国。It is a kingdom which does not have a constitutional monarch.

科特库本已发作性睡眠病,一个常见的症状在射击奴隶。Kurt Cobain had Narcolepsy, a common symptom in Monarch Slaves.

那个国王是个威势无比的君主而且十分傲慢,生性残暴,待人苛刻。The King is a mighty monarch but full of pride, harsh and cruel.

君主蝶的毛虫现在开始出现在百慕大地区一类的地方。Monarch caterpillar has now been spotted in places such as Bermuda.

在这周四,旺楚克成为世界上最年轻的在位国王。Wangchuck on Thursday became the world's youngest reigning monarch.

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理论上,君主如同国家元首般享有至高无上的权力。Theoretically, the monarch embodies supremacy as head of state. P130

龙是中华民族的图腾,是帝王的象征。Dragon is the totem of the Chinese nation, be a monarch is indicative.

我给雄性游隼起名为亚瑟,是以传说中喜欢训练猎鹰的那位君主的名字命名的。I name the male Arthur after the legendary monarch who loved falconry.